My ob totally dropped the ball on post csection recovery. All I was told was pelvic rest for 6 weeks. No lifting restrictions or anything. I've been trying to take it easy and not lift anything heavier than LO. I m going to call the office tomorrow, but I was wondering how long you were advised not to drive. Thanks!
Re: Driving Question
Twin boys born too early at 17w4d and 18w2d in February 2010
Transabdominal cerclage placed September 2010
DS born at 35w1d in February 2011
Twin girls born at exactly 36w in February 2013
2 weeks or as long as you're taking narcotic pain killers if thats longer than 2 weeks.
Shouldn't lift anything greater than 10 lbs for 2 weeks
No driving for 2 weeks. I was also told to not lift anything more than 10lbs and to avoid stairs. I was only allowed to go up and down the stairs once a day. I was also told not to walk more than a 1/2 mile a day.
i wasn't given a time limit. she said not to drive until i was completely off the narcotic pain meds (motrin & percocet) and once i could quickly slam on the brakes w/o pain in the abdomen. So it was about 2 weeks for me when i felt comfortable enough to drive
(and i kinda had no choice because my mom went back to work and if i didn't drive myself, i'd be stuck in the house lol)