Getting stressed!

I had my 38-39 week appointment today and made no progress...still 2cm/80%/0station.  We did a growth ultrasound today (because he wanted to make sure LO wasn't getting TOO big) and that fluid was ok.  Anyway, he is REALLY tiny...like 17%...so now I'm kind of worried about that!  I know ultrasounds can be off, but I just want to do everything I can to make sure he is as healthy as possible!!  We are going to do another ultrasound next Friday and right now my MD said he will give me until 41 weeks.  I just hope that a VBAC works!! My first C-section was due to a failed version when DS#1 was breech. 
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Re: Getting stressed!

  • It's so hard when you are near the end.  I always wished I could have a crystal ball to know whether or not I should even bother stressing!  FWIW, it sounds like you're in a good position as far as your progress for your gestation and that your doc is cool with going to 41w.  Did you do any prior growth ultrasounds?  Hang in there!
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  • Don't worry yet.  You have lots of time.  Lo is clearly not ready to come out yet.  And if I remember right from the first time around they are putting on like 1/2 a pound a week right now.  So LO can do lots of growing till he needs to come out.
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  • I hope so, regarding weight gain!  I haven't had any growth ultrasounds since my anatomy scan at 20weeks and then he was in the 65% then.  It's so weird to think though that if I would have just decided on RCS that his birthday would be this coming Monday!! 
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