Cloth Diapering

I thought you were all wrong

about being addicted to CDing.  I though there is NO WAY I will scope out the internet for new diapers.  I was set with my 18 Fuzzi Bunz.

 Nope I scope out the internet several times a day looking for more or trying to sell off the ones I don't care for in my stash.

A package came in the mail yesterday and my DH goes "oh new diapers"  lol it wasn't but wow it has happened to me I am ADDICTED to CDing. 

                                             Mom to 4 wonderful daughters
                             Breanna, Ellie and 
                             our 2 rainbow babies.

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Re: I thought you were all wrong

  • I am right there with you!  Completely addicted here!
  • Welcome!  ;op
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  • I am the same way. I really have the bulk of my stash complete so now I am trying to sell a friend on cloth diapering, partly so that I can stalk to sales for her too :D.
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  • I'm getting there. I am so excited for the new BG colors and prints. Who would have thought I would have been excited about diapers?!
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  • I've joined the club and I haven't really ever been addicted to much.

    I never would have guessed I'd be excited about a new color or a new pattern of my favorite diaper. My husband keeps reminding me, "we cd to SAVE money."

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  • I figure I'd have to spend at least $3000 on cloth diapers (before selling them off) for my 2 kids before it would be cheaper to do disposables.

    I'm okay with being addicted.  

  • omg its the weirdest thing! who knew you could be so excited about something that holds pee and poo!? i have more than enough diapers for my babe, but i just can't stop buying more!! HELP ME!!! :)
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