
history of multiples?

Hi, I am not pregnant yet and are in the very early stages of ttc. I have always wanted twins (I think its from my mom, she always wanted twins and has all of us kids very close together). My H's grandfather (maternal) is a twin and my grandmother (paternal) has twin sisters, but they were the last born of 12 kids..Im wondering if any moms with multiples have any other multiples in the family??

Just wondering family history is all...


Re: history of multiples?

  • Just curious, why exactly do you want twins? 
  • Can I please say only if you do it in the butt??????
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  • #1. Your H's family history has nothing to do with you conceiving twins

    #2. Fraternal twins are they only type of twins that can be hereditary, identical twins are just a fluke

    #3. I don't mean to be rude, but I also wonder why you want twins.  It is a high risk pregnancy.  I wouldn't wish what I went through upon anyone.  I am extremely lucky for what I have now and two newborns at once is not easy at all.

    I don't have any multiples in my family either.

  • The only genetics that matter are yours. Your husbands genetics won't have any play on whether or not you ovulate two eggs (fraternal twins) and identical twins don't have a genetic component.

    Having twins are absolutely amazing, but it is unbelievably hard work. The pregnancy alone was hard( hospital bed rest and premature babies) but having two babies was even more work than I ever imagined. Yes, it looks all wonderful, but there are some real, real risks to having twins.

    Good Luck.

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  • imagetogagirl:
    Can I please say only if you do it in the butt??????

    I'm no board moderator or anything but my vote is yes, yes you can.

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  • I hope the ladies go easy on you here.  You don't know this because you're new to TB.  Twin pregnancies are not a walk in the park.  It's a very long, hard road for many women here.  Carrying twins has so many risk factors....

    Your H's side doesn't would only factor into your odds from your mother's side.

    No twins in my family.  I had to go through IF treatments to get pregnant.

    GL in your journey.  



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  • To answer your question yes multiples run in my family. On my Dad's side my G-Grandma had 3 sets of twins, but she also had 16 children, I also have a cousin that has twins. On my Mom's side there are 2 sets of twins and a set of triplets. However none of this mattered in my case since my boys are identical.

     Also, twin pregnancy's are hard physically and mentally and come with lots of potential complications. Good luck TTC.

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  • I have about 20 sets of twins in my family in the last 5 generations. I always thought it would be cool to have twins. I have been blessed to not have any complications (yet) in my pregnancy but it has been very hard. Every time someone says "Oh you're so lucky. I hope I have twins." I tell them not to say that. It is very very difficult. Like pp said, there are so many more potential complications. 
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  • I always wanted twins too, but it doesn't run in my family, so you can imagine my shock when we heart 2 heartbeats at 7 weeks!

    I'm very anxious about this pregnancy, I know it won't be easy, but my husband and I are very much looking forward to our surprise bundles of joy. 


    Married 07/2011 <3
    ID Twin girls 04/2012 <3<3
    Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017  <3

  • As others have said the only genetics that matter are on your side, the matrilineal line. So even your dad's side doesn't count I believe. I'm expecting fraternal twins naturally, but my mom is a fraternal twin so had the gene for twins anyways, I believe. Again, important to note, only the matrilineal side matters in this case.
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  • imagelauryn_c:

    Just wondering family history is all...


  • imageshanaynerz:
    As others have said the only genetics that matter are on your side, the matrilineal line. So even your dad's side doesn't count I believe. I'm expecting fraternal twins naturally, but my mom is a fraternal twin so had the gene for twins anyways, I believe. Again, important to note, only the matrilineal side matters in this case.

    No, that's not true.  The only genetics that come into play are the mother's side, meaning the woman who is pregnant.  She can inherit the gene from her father's side or her mother's side. 

    It's just her husband's side of the family that doesn't come into play.

    Make sense?

    OP- mine are ID so family history has nothing to do with it.  As Ourgrad mentioned, you can annoy a lot of people by coming on this board and talking about how you always wanted twins, because a lot of women on here struggled to carry/deliver them.  I'm trying to stay clear away from the drama, so that's all I'm going to say! Zip it!

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  • imageshanaynerz:
    As others have said the only genetics that matter are on your side, the matrilineal line. So even your dad's side doesn't count I believe. I'm expecting fraternal twins naturally, but my mom is a fraternal twin so had the gene for twins anyways, I believe. Again, important to note, only the matrilineal side matters in this case.

    I have to say that I keep learning new things here ladies :)  I learned early on from this board that family history of fraternal twins only counted on the mom's side, not the father's, but I didn't realize that it had to be from my mom's side as well.  Here I am telling people that my twin cousins (who are my father's niece/nephew) are the twin connection for me.  Now I really do believe my other theory that my body just went nutso after my m/c and dropped extra eggs.

  • imageMrsLnt:


    Just wondering family history is all...


    I've never seen that before and I just cracked up- very funny.  Can I send that to my ENTIRE family for the arguments they get into that I resolve by simply doing a google search?!!!!!!

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imageclarku2000:

    As others have said the only genetics that matter are on your side, the matrilineal line. So even your dad's side doesn't count I believe. I'm expecting fraternal twins naturally, but my mom is a fraternal twin so had the gene for twins anyways, I believe. Again, important to note, only the matrilineal side matters in this case.

    I have to say that I keep learning new things here ladies :)  I learned early on from this board that family history of fraternal twins only counted on the mom's side, not the father's, but I didn't realize that it had to be from my mom's side as well.  Here I am telling people that my twin cousins (who are my father's niece/nephew) are the twin connection for me.  Now I really do believe my other theory that my body just went nutso after my m/c and dropped extra eggs.

    You were right Clark.  The PP was wrong.

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Mine were spontaneous. No family history whatsoever. GL to you on your journey.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • imageamanda31H:

    As others have said the only genetics that matter are on your side, the matrilineal line. So even your dad's side doesn't count I believe. I'm expecting fraternal twins naturally, but my mom is a fraternal twin so had the gene for twins anyways, I believe. Again, important to note, only the matrilineal side matters in this case.

    I have to say that I keep learning new things here ladies :)  I learned early on from this board that family history of fraternal twins only counted on the mom's side, not the father's, but I didn't realize that it had to be from my mom's side as well.  Here I am telling people that my twin cousins (who are my father's niece/nephew) are the twin connection for me.  Now I really do believe my other theory that my body just went nutso after my m/c and dropped extra eggs.

    You were right Clark.  The PP was wrong.

    LOL, awesome, thanks Amanda!

  • imagetogagirl:
    Can I please say only if you do it in the butt??????

    And twice in one night.


    All joking aside, my mom has traced our family history back a significant amount, and we have no history of multiples in our family.  What all the other ladies have said, a twin pregnancy is hard.  I am only 27 weeks in, and it's the hardest thing I've ever done, and it's not going to get any easier.  People say "you're so lucky-- two for one!" all the time, and it truly drives me crazy.  People don't understand how high risk it is.  I hope you have no trouble getting pregnant at all and end up with one (or two) healthy babies.  If you end up with *only* one, remember, that you will likely be able to have another.

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    Married 7/11/09 TTC #1 Since 05/10
    BFP #1 09/20/10 Natural m/c 10/05/10
    BFP! #2 04/21/11... Beta 16 DPO: 437, 18 DPO:1446 Ultrasound 6w6d TWINS!
    Annabel & Sophia Born 11/28/11 at 34w6d
    BFP #3 10/4/16... Beta 13 DPO: 145, 15 DPO: 367 12/1/16 It's a GIRL!

  • I adore my twins - they are wonderful and I am so blessed. But honestly, OP, and the other twin-wishers lurking here -- the toll they have taken on my body, my marriage, our finances, our life is so much more than twice what my singleton was. There is a lot more to twins than just the adorable family photos.
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  • Just curious, exactly why do you wish for twins? My boys are wonderful, but multiples are a whole different ball game than having a singelton. I don't think most people without multiples realize that.

    So, seriously, why do you wish for twins? I am honestly curious.

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  • I have 3 sets of ID twins (which are spontaneous, not genetic) and one set of fraternal.  I am having ID boys, which are a total fluke. 

    I just had a conversation with a girl who couldn't stop talking about how she has always wanted twins.  Like the PPs I told her that she would be better off having two pregnancies.  At 16 wks, I have already been put on some restrictions, have to see the high risk OB (aka MFM) every two weeks and have an incredibly high likelihood of being put on strict/hospital bed rest (I was high risk before, but twins made me even more high risk).  This is my third pregnancy and I am more worried/concerned than I was with my first - and I know a lot more know than I did then. 

    Good luck TTC - wishing you a healthy pregnancy.

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  • No multiples in my family or my husbands. None.
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  • interestingly, i do have lots of twins in my family --on my mom and dad's side (my dad is a fraternal twin).  my set will make the 8th set of twins between my mom & dad's 3 generations.  we used ART, so i'm pretty sure our twins are a result of the 2 embies transferred during ivf, but who knows. 

    i never realized the risks assoc with twin pg until i actually became pg with twins!  NO ONE carrying twins in either my mom or dad's families had any complications!!!! the two latest twin moms even worked full-time until their delivery ... reading has definitely opened my eyes to the other side, b/c my family members have no negative experiences ...

    Good luck!!!

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  • My grandpa was a twin, my grandma had 2 sets of twins, I have 5 cousins who have had twins, and one who had triplets.  Still never thought it would be me too.....


    Spontaneous Di/Di twin boys born at 34 weeks on 02/21/2011
    Baby #3 due January 2016
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  • imageblondek8:
    No multiples in my family or my husbands. None.

    This.  And scarily I said at our engagement party that I think it would great to have innocent I was...and how much I didn't know.  2 babies at once is beyond hard and the pregnancy is no walk in the park.  Many women have complications and it's scary.  Not to mention the strain on your marriage, finances, etc.   My advice, just wish for a healthy complicated free pregnancy.  Good luck to you!

  • MH and I used to joke about having twins and then we found out we were pregnant with twins.  There's no history on my side (with one set on MH's side but as you now know, that doesn't matter).  Plus our twins are identical.

    It's not easy to be pregnant with twins.  I'm now 33 w 3d and have been on bedrest for over a week.  I have multiple doctors appointments every week and am already measuring at 40 weeks which means I'm incredibly uncomfortable all the time.  And, from what I've been told, it only gets harder once they get here... 

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  • imageMrs. Alice:

    #1. Your H's family history has nothing to do with you conceiving twins

    #2. Fraternal twins are they only type of twins that can be hereditary, identical twins are just a fluke

    #3. I don't mean to be rude, but I also wonder why you want twins.  It is a high risk pregnancy.  I wouldn't wish what I went through upon anyone.  I am extremely lucky for what I have now and two newborns at once is not easy at all.

    I don't have any multiples in my family either.

    Ditto all of this. Except my maternal grandfather did have twin aunts but my mom wasn't sure if they were ID or frat. 

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Not a single twin anywhere in my family.  My maternal grandfather had 19 brothers and sisters and there wasnt a single twin ANYWHERE on his famiy. 
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