Cloth Diapering

Wet bag stink

So I'm beginning to notice that my wetbags smell like urine after I've left a diaper or two in there from doing errands. There is no leaking (that I can tell), and we leave them zippered closed since we are out and about.  The diapers may be in there for anywhere from 1-6 hours (depending on our day).   I can't smell them when I'm standing far away from them, but if I pick up the bag and its within a foot or so I get a whiff of the stink.  I get paranoid that it permeates on the baby's clothes so I don't keep it in the diaper bag anymore.  Are my wetbags bad or is this normal? 
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Re: Wet bag stink

  • Do you wash your wetbag in between uses? I have 2 wetbags for my diaper bag, so I wash one when its had diapers in it. No problems with stink. If it still stinks after being washed, that may be another problem. If it is only when the dirty diapers are in it, then it may be standard urine stink and unfortunately goes with the territory of having a dirty diaper in the diaper bag. I've never had it permeate the extra clothes I keep in my bag though.
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  • Yeah it gets washed with CD laundry (every other day). I haven't noticed it stinking after its been washed, but I will check today laundry going now....


    Usually when we come home we put the diapers in the pail from the wet bag, but on the few times we don't have the space or we forget we notice the urine smell more.

    Just seems kinda weird. I didn't notice it at all in the beginning, only in the last month or so. 

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  • I had the same issue with mine.  i found just turning it inside out and hanging it outside for a few hours fixes it.
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