August 2011 Moms

Guess I am bad mommy:(

It seems that nothing I do is right. DH has read one book and BAM he's a baby expert! I have to let her cry it out for every thing, I hold her too much, I feed her too much or I don't feed her enough, I drink too much pop with caffeine (I have 1 bottle a day if that). My mom keeps telling me my LO can start on cereal and soupy mashed potatoes any day now. And my dad keeps telling me she's cold and needs mor clothes on. The only person I am not getting any advice/comments from is my brother, he just wants to hold her and watch ALF re-runs with her. I guess I just have no clue how to care for a baby let alone my own child. Gee I didn't realize that I was such a bad mom (insert sarcasim). Sorry for the vent I just had enough of all the "advice" and demeaning way my family talks to me about the choices I make. Thanks for listening:)
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Re: Guess I am bad mommy:(

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    Aw I'm sorry :( I know how that feels. Sometimes I just wanna yell at people "You raised your kid already" Or, " If you want to see your advice put to use have one of your own then!" 

    I don't...but I might soon enough lol


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    Clearly, your brother's got the right idea.

    One of my parenting classes was themed around baby care and memory. Basically, the whole class was how to bathe, feed, diaper, etc- and a gentle reminder that the baby won't remember if you screwed up a little (obviously not referring to life-threatening things). I use that one pretty often in a catty way towards people with stupid advice, ie: "So what if this is not exactly the right thing to do, I'm learning & she won't remember in 1 hour, let alone next year or forever if I didn't always do it right!" It's great for a quick helping of STFU with a side of no arguing back.

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    That reallysucks they are treating you like that. Have you thought of replying to any of their comments with "oh, I thought I was the mom!"? Perhaps they need to know how you feel! Good luck!
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    That reallysucks they are treating you like that. Have you thought of replying to any of their comments with "oh, I thought I was the mom!"? Perhaps they need to know how you feel! Good luck!
    I have thought about it. But it's tough when it's your family. I know I am doing a good job I am just tried and had it up to here today.
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    If that's being a bad mom, then I'll happily say that I am, too :)

    Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. Tell them to kick rocks.

    I'm sorry that they (especially DH) aren't being supportive. You're doing a great job! :)

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    LOL at your Dad.  My mom thinks warmer is better.  One day I came home and she had him wrapped up so much that he was sweating.  She couldn't figure out why he wouldn't stop crying.  He gave me a look that said "please save me" I stripped him down and he immediately calmed down.  It's your baby and you can find a polite way to say this is how you are caring for your infant. 
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    Ugh that sucks! You are a great mom and as the mom YOU KNOW BEST. Trust your gut. please forgive me but I cannot help saying that I don't think it's a good idea to give your child potatoes yet. I'm thinking it might cause a GI nightmare...ok I'm done :)
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    Where are they showing azlf reruns??? Lol I have no doubt you are doing a good job. Talk ro your husband. Also everyone is going to put in their 2 cents. Just try to smile, nod and ignore them. You get to decide what is best for how you want to parent.



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    Your DH needs to support and encourage you IMHO.  I hope he can find away to address his concerns in that way.  As far as the other folks, I hear ya!

    I am glad you have a sense of humor (e.g. brother watching reruns). When my SIL visited she was full on with directions. I thought (sarcastically also), it's a wonder our child lived long enough in our poor care for her to visit. Yesterday, when my MIL repeated a suggestion for a fifth or so time (after being "educated" previously five times), I looked her straight in the face and with a placement smile said "thank you for your opinion." Now that I think about it, maybe for the intial repeats I'll try "thank you for your concern". I could get a game book for handling repeats! Repeat #11 Response: "Did you go for your walk yet?" , or (in my situation) "What's for dinner". I thought about deflecting her, e.g. "Is that what they did in your town?" Good luck!

    TTC#1 2003, 5 angels above, IVF-PGS-FET, DD b. Aug-2011

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    TTC#2 2012/13? FET

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    That reallysucks they are treating you like that. Have you thought of replying to any of their comments with "oh, I thought I was the mom!"? Perhaps they need to know how you feel! Good luck!
    I have thought about it. But it's tough when it's your family. I know I am doing a good job I am just tried and had it up to here today.

    I know it's even harder when they're your own family and you know they just mean well, but it's still important to stand up for yourself too.  You are the mom and they need to respect that.  It might be time to sit down and have a conversation about all their "helpful" advice.  I hope everyone will get off your back and learn to be supportive of your decisions - whatever they may be.

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    I guess I'm a pretty bad mommy too.  I need that little bit of pop in order to feel alive most of the time, and I get dirty looks for that a lot!!  I love to cuddle with my LO so I hold him most of the time too.  Everyone has their own opinion! 

    My grandmother in law told me today that it is horrible that I put my LO in his Halo sleep wrap.  It looks too much like a straight jacket and he can't move when he's in there.  THank you for your opinion, but if you would like to take care of him at night and be up every hour without it, then be my guest. 

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    I feel ya, sister. If I have to hear from my mom one more time that I should be giving H cereal or how he should be sttn already I'm going to scream. I have politely dismissed it approximately 1,489,123,358 times but apparently I also missed the memo on how to raise my child  Hmm
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