Baby Names

Charlie vs Chuck

I am posting for a non-Bump friend :)

She wants to honor her late father and name her baby Charles/Charlie Ryan.    Her husband believes people will naturally start to call the boy Chuck. 

I don't think anyone uses Chuck anymore. 

Does anyone have any experience w/people shorting Charlie into Chuck? 

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Re: Charlie vs Chuck

  • I work with a guy who goes by Chuck, but if she and her husband call the baby Charlie, everyone will follow suit.  Unless when Charles grows up and he prefers Chuck, I think Charlie is the primary nickname.
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  • imageCityBee:
    I think Charlie is a much more natural nn for Charles. I think people would only call him Chuck if that's what the parents called him.

    I agree with her. 

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  • I agree... I think Charlie is a much more natural nickname nowadays than Chuck is. I love the name Charlie!
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  • imageCityBee:
    I think Charlie is a much more natural nn for Charles. I think people would only call him Chuck if that's what the parents called him.


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  • I think that most people will use Charlie as a nn for Charles.  I think Chuck is a thing of the past.
  • I never hear Chuck anymore.  Well, except for from my sister.  DD#1 is Charlotte and my sister tried to say she was going to call her Chuck.  There was a show on at the time (Pushing Daisies) and the female lead was a Charlotte who went by Chuck.  I nipped that one in the bud quickly.  Anyway, I'd say your friend is probably safe and could always just correct people to call him Charles or Charlie.
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  • There have been a very small number of people who tried to call my son Chuck.  Mostly smart azzes who thought they were being funny, and my quick reaction made it clear they were not. 

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  • I must be the only one around with a secret love for the name Chuck....

    But regardless, the majority of people will call your son what you call him. My best friend's son is named Matthew. Not Matt or Mattie, Matthew. And it is a rare day when anyone calls him anything but that.

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  • I don't think people will automatically go for "Chuck". Chuck is so outdated and it probably won't spring to most people's minds. I know it wouldn't for me. Charlie is super cute. If "Charlie" is already the nn then there's no need for Chuck. I like Charles/Charlie but if anyone called my son "Chuck" I'd quickly correct.
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  • I know a few grown Charlies, and I can't say that I've ever heard them called anything but Charlie. I think it's a great name!
    DS1 10/09 Twins! 2/12
  • I only know one Charles and he goes by Charles. I like Charlie and Chuck as nicknames. Just not Chucky. LOL
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  • I think most people will call a Charles Charlie rather than Chuck or Chaz. 

    That said I wouldn't be surprised if the nn Up Chuck happens when he hits school

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  • imagebread&jam:

    I think Charlie is a much more natural nn for Charles. I think people would only call him Chuck if that's what the parents called him.

    I agree with her. 


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  • LO's mn is Charles so I'm biased. I love the name. 

    I agree with the others that Charlie is a more natural NN.

    I have a cousin named Charles that we call Chuck or Chucky but that side of my family is pretty redneck and it's more of a joke. He's also in his late 20's so it's more his generation.  

    Unless she has a very rude family, they will call him what she wants. 

  • Charles just has a ton of nicknames. If they want him to be Charlie, though, I see no reason why it wouldn't stick. I have never known people to disregard someone's chosen nickname.

  • I know one Chuck.  I think Charlie is more likely to be what Charles is shortened to now, plus if they are calling him Charlie I don't see why people would switch to Chuck.
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  • If she and her husband say Charlie, other people will too.

    Our cat's name was Charlie and we called him Chuck as a joke. I would never call a baby or toddler Chuck :)

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  • I love the name Charlie... FI doesn?t though
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