D.C. Area Babies

DS has "childhood" asthma. Anyone else?

He's ten months old.  Every time he gets a cold it turns into dangerous wheezing.  He's gotten the oral steroid three times in his young life, and they are not going to give it to him again, so we have to use the nebulizer/inhalers daily to stave off other asthmatic episodes.  And of course we're coming up on cold/flu season.

I know this is not the end of the world, by any stretch, but it still felt crummy to finally get the diagnosis.  The pedi was reluctant to "label" him asthmatic, because they don't really diagnose asthma in babies, but he said in the most recent visit that we need to label DS because future drs. need to know how to deal with him.  And now of course he's on daily inhalors (two - twice a day - sheesh). 

Anyone else have a little asthmatic baby?  My brother had it when we were kids and the sound of the wheezing is so scary - I remember it so well growing up - my brother had to be taken to the ER every once in a while if he was having a really bad attack.

And now that damn commercial that comes on showing a little red baby stroller and the sounds of a baby hacking (it's some ad about air pollution and writing your Congressman about changing the laws) - that's exactly what my DS sounds like when he's having an asthma attack.  I hate that stupid commercial.

Wife, Musician, Fed, WW-er, and Mom of three little kids - not necessarily in that order.

Re: DS has "childhood" asthma. Anyone else?

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    when I was a baby/child, I was allergic to milk and my reaction was to have an asthma attack. It went away by the time I was around 12 years old. 

    [one time, just to torture my mom apparently, right after my parents got separated, I ate an ice cream sandwich at my best friend's house and that night had a major asthma attack. it scared my mom to death, but it also scared me (I remember it well...I was about 4) and never pulled a stunt like that again.]

    anyway, this sounds far more stressful...poor little guy! and poor mommy :-( two inhalers twice a day does not sound fun! {{{{{hugs}}}}}}

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    That sounds awful for DS and so hard for you. I wish I had some advice, but all I have his sympathy that you're dealing with all this. Zombie hugs to all of you...

    Right Hug

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    I hate that commercial!!

    DD was diagnosed by the pedi as well but they diagnose it as such b/c there is no other word for it. You need to see an asthma pediatric specialist.  We thought she was allergic to a bunch of stuff which was making her asthmatic, the Dr we saw is both an allergy and an asthma specialist. Turns out she is only allergic to dust mites (we tested for a lot of stuff).

    DS had to be nebulized a lot when he was younger, it's just heartbreaking!  Xopenex is better than Albuterol b/c it doesn't make the baby hyper but there is no generic so it's more $$. However, if that's what you are using, your pedi should have an Rx card for you which will discount the drug at the pharmacy.

    There is a very good chance that he will outgrow it if he is asthmatic and in the meantime you need to find his triggers and try to eliminate as many as possible.

    good luck, I am so sorry you have to deal w/ this :(

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    Gah. DS#2 is on our ped's "radar" for developing asthma because he's had bronchiolitis that he still hasn't shaken. It's not as severe as RSV but he does wheeze, etc. They gave us a nebulizer to take home and we do the albuterol off and on when the wheezing starts to sound bad. I'm hoping this doesn't lead to asthma later on, but who knows. Sorry you're having to go through this!!
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    DS 1 has asthma.  he had RSV when he was 6 months old and after that every time he gets a cold he starts wheezing.  he's been to the hospital 2 times for treatments and last winter he was on a daily steroid as preventative.  if it's just cold induced there is an upside which is that it is controlable and will be more so  the older he gets.  it's terrible and i feel like a bad mommy a lot of the time and i hate that being hooked up to a nebulizer doesn't seem to phase him.  but he does well and now at 3 we are starting to recognize his symptoms and are able to catch it early (i say this as he just went to the dr and found out he has bronchitis).

     good luck and it will be ok.

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