Cloth Diapering

another Charlie Banana question

Sorry to be annoying, but I am wondering if anyone can tell me how long their Charlie Banana sized fit their LO?  I'm sure it varies quite a bit from child to child.  Some of the sets on sale today don't come in all the sizes, and I don't think they are selling the OS.  I'm interested in buying some of these, but can't decide between buying the smalls or the mediums.  TIA!
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Re: another Charlie Banana question

  • I have smalls. Still fitting at 16 lbs for us

    Married in 2/2006, TTC since 3/09 with Endo stage 4(DX 1999) and PCO (DX 2010), DEC, LAP and 2 rounds of Depo Lupron

    • 2/10: IUI #1: Clomid 100mg= BFN
    • 3/10- 5/10: IUI #2 Clomid 150mg; IUI #2.2: gonalf, lupron; IUI #2.3: 2 rounds of 5mg Femara=All cancelled for nonresponse
    • 6/10 -IUI#2.4: gonalf, ganirelix, estrace, ovidrel, endometrium- early M/C
    • 8/10- IUI #3: gonalf, ganirelix, ovidrel, estrace, endometrium, lovenox, hcg boosters= BFP;  Beta#1=179, Beta#2= 360, Beta#3=1775; 1 perfect little HB!

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    Surprise BFP 2/13!B- M/C 7w 4D, D+C 3/13

    Surprise BFP 6/13! - Blighted Ovum found at 7w, D+C 6/28

    Surprise BFP 8/13!- Hopefully third time is the charm!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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