Cloth Diapering

AW: We're getting a new washer!

So, our washing machine has been slowly getting worse and worse... and although it still works - we can't use hot water with it.  Money saving, but not so great for CDing.

Anyways - DH and I went over our savings vs projects and it turns out that we might have between $600-1000 to spend on a new washer!


SO - what washer do you rec?  Top or front loader?  A specific brand?  I'm so excited!!

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Re: AW: We're getting a new washer!

  • I have a whirlpool duet front loader HE and I LOVE IT!  I have absolutely NO PROBLEMS washing cloth diapers in this thing and I even use hemp inserts in my pockets.   The trick is when you run your first load to rinse, put the machine on no spin.  It makes the diapers heavy and wet tricking the machine into thinking the load is bigger than it is and adds more water to the wash. I will admit my first rinse cycle I just do the quick wash cycle and not just a rinse and spin.
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  • Top loaders are best for cds, although as the previous poster said, you can make it work with a front loader.
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