School-Aged Children

Clicky Poll:1st child's age before baby #2?

Re: Clicky Poll:1st child's age before baby #2?

  • I would have answered this question differently three years ago!  Mine are a bit less than 21 months apart.  It was really really hard in the beginning but now I love their age difference.  I chose 2 yrs but would have said 3 yrs if you'd asked me this when I was in the throes of having an infant and a toddler.  Wink


  • I answered "3", although my 2nd one came JUST before my older one turned 3 :-) 
    Adrian 7.6.07 - ADHD, Disruptive Behavior Disorder, Learning Disability-NOS
    Cam 6.6.10 - Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Mixed Receptive/Expressive Communication Disorder
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  • I would have said 4yrs before I got pg with # 2&3. Landon was 4 months when we got pg with twins. They are 1 yr and 11 days apart and it has worked out perfectly. Now they are 5&6 yrs old and very close. Keep each other entertained and all at the same stages at the same time. I would not change it at all.
    1st Day of Kindergarten & 1st Grade 08.29.11

    Landon * Kaydance * Kennedy
    5/13/05 ******5/24/06

    * Baby is due July 24 2012 * Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • 2 1/2 years apart for me was ideal.
  • Our twins are 6 years older than our little one. I don't prefer their age difference, but it's certainly a plus that they can help her with everything!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My first 2 are 22 months apart.  It's hard sometimes, but I really do like that age difference.  #3 is 2.5 years younger than #2 and I would have preferred them being a little closer.
  • I'm due in May and that same month my daughter will be 11.


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  • Im the oldest of 9 and we're all between 2-3.5 years apart. I think its nice because we all had our 'pair' growing up. Im not sure how my parents did it though because im looking at the 6 year age difference between my daughter and unborn son and thanking GOD that i have a child who will be able to understand what im saying to her when i have to tend to the baby and why it's so important.

    Im sure if i had the experience of my kids closer together, i would have a different opinion. :)

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  • My boys are 16 months apart from each other. Back then I wished we would have been a bit more careful and spaced them out some more maybe 3yrs but now I'm glad it happened like that. We were much more careful with the 4th and if she was still with us she would have been 8 years younger than my youngest, which is too spaced apart for me but that also would have meant built in babysitters when they got a bit older which would have been nice and you wouldn't have to pay them!
    Tim 12/30/00 Brad 4/30/02 Alex 9/29/03 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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