Cloth Diapering

Critique my NB stash

I'm getting close, and trying to make sure I have what I need before I start prepping.  Am I good?  Should I order more of anything?  I also have a bunch of smalls, but I don't think those will fit right away, and then I have a huge one size stash.  Any comments/advice are greatly appreciated!

Newborn Stash: 

  • 12 GMD prefolds
  • 2 Earth Mom Baby fitteds
  • 1 Kissaluvs fitted 
  • 2 DiapeRaps covers
  • 2 thirsties covers
  • 3 x-small fuzzibunz
  • 3 grovia newborn AIOs
  • 2 Bumgenius 3.0 x-smalls
  • 2 Monkey Doodlez AIOs
TTC #1 June 2010
1/3/11 S/A - Count 45; Motility 32; Morph 4.3 - 2/10/11 - S/A Count 17mil; Motility 39; Morph 7.9
1/5/11 Femara Cycle #1 = BFN  2/4/11 Femara Cycle #2 = BFP: 3/4/11 - Starting Progesterone suppositories 
Beta#1 15DPO = 108; Beta#2 17DPO = 179; Beta#3 18DPO = 259; Beta 4# 20DPO =659!!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
TTC#2 Pulled goalie 5/12, PPAF 3/13, BFP 6/27 Beta 15DPO=248! 
Dx Severe Hydrocephalus and severe Dandy Walker Cyst.   Stillborn 10/19/13
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
TTC#3 - (No preventing, TTC+progesterone starting 12/13)
4/7/14 CD3 BW - FSH 5.6; AMH 0.469 - 4/11/14 S/A Count 35, Motility 47, Morph 1.5
4/16/14 - Cycle 6 - Natural IUI - Beta 12DPIUI = 3; Beta 13DPIUI=4.  15DPIUI=6. 17DPIU=4. Chemical Pregnancy  
TTC #4
5/5/14 Dx MTHFR homozygous A1298C, Benched 1 cycle HSG 5/14 both tubes open w/scarring on the left   
5/28/14 Starting clomid 6/8/14 IUI #2 1 dominant follicle 31mm Beta 11DPIUI =4, 15DPIUI = 74, 17DPIUI = 165 
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Re: Critique my NB stash

  • Looks good.  Right now I'm counting 25 diapers, some people recc 36 for the NB phase, we had 30 and got by just fine.  You may want to add a few more just to be sure you aren't doing laundry everyday, but it's totally up to you.

     Also, do you have wet bags, pail liners, snappi's for the prefolds?

    photo 7ce353dd-36ff-42be-84c5-8548c1d4fa1cjpg
    BFP #1 11/28/09 ~ EDD 8/6/10 ~ DS Born 8/9/10
    BFP #2 8/27/13 ~ EDD 5/8/14 ~ Natural MC 9/18/13 at 6 weeks, 6 days
    BFP#3 3/28/14 ~ EDD 12/7/14 ~ DD Born 11/21/14
    BFP#4 6/15/17 ~ EDD 2/20/18
  • Looks pretty good. Have you got the misc. other stuff? Pail liner, step pail (8 gallon size works well), cloth wipes, detergent, snappi, CD-safe cream?
  • Loading the player...
  • imagetokenhoser:
    Looks pretty good. Have you got the misc. other stuff? Pail liner, step pail (8 gallon size works well), cloth wipes, detergent, snappi, CD-safe cream?


    I have Grandma El's cream, a roll of disposable liners, 2 medium wetbags (planning on getting more, just haven't yet) and 24 cloth wipes. I'm planning on ordering charlie's soap soon. 

    After my last shower I'm planning on getting

    • 1 pack of snappis
    •  a large wetbag
    • a planet wise pail liner
    • step pail
    Anything else I should be getting? 
    TTC #1 June 2010
    1/3/11 S/A - Count 45; Motility 32; Morph 4.3 - 2/10/11 - S/A Count 17mil; Motility 39; Morph 7.9
    1/5/11 Femara Cycle #1 = BFN  2/4/11 Femara Cycle #2 = BFP: 3/4/11 - Starting Progesterone suppositories 
    Beta#1 15DPO = 108; Beta#2 17DPO = 179; Beta#3 18DPO = 259; Beta 4# 20DPO =659!!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    TTC#2 Pulled goalie 5/12, PPAF 3/13, BFP 6/27 Beta 15DPO=248! 
    Dx Severe Hydrocephalus and severe Dandy Walker Cyst.   Stillborn 10/19/13
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    TTC#3 - (No preventing, TTC+progesterone starting 12/13)
    4/7/14 CD3 BW - FSH 5.6; AMH 0.469 - 4/11/14 S/A Count 35, Motility 47, Morph 1.5
    4/16/14 - Cycle 6 - Natural IUI - Beta 12DPIUI = 3; Beta 13DPIUI=4.  15DPIUI=6. 17DPIU=4. Chemical Pregnancy  
    TTC #4
    5/5/14 Dx MTHFR homozygous A1298C, Benched 1 cycle HSG 5/14 both tubes open w/scarring on the left   
    5/28/14 Starting clomid 6/8/14 IUI #2 1 dominant follicle 31mm Beta 11DPIUI =4, 15DPIUI = 74, 17DPIUI = 165 
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers
  • imagetokenhoser:
    I think you're good. Smile

    Thanks!  I'm thinking of getting a few more kissaluvs, but I think I'm ready to order my soap and start prepping!  

    Would you prep them all now, or just the NB/smalls and wait on the onesize?   Also, random Q -

    I have blueberries w/hemp liners.  Do I prep the whole BB with the organics, or just the liners?  

    TTC #1 June 2010
    1/3/11 S/A - Count 45; Motility 32; Morph 4.3 - 2/10/11 - S/A Count 17mil; Motility 39; Morph 7.9
    1/5/11 Femara Cycle #1 = BFN  2/4/11 Femara Cycle #2 = BFP: 3/4/11 - Starting Progesterone suppositories 
    Beta#1 15DPO = 108; Beta#2 17DPO = 179; Beta#3 18DPO = 259; Beta 4# 20DPO =659!!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    TTC#2 Pulled goalie 5/12, PPAF 3/13, BFP 6/27 Beta 15DPO=248! 
    Dx Severe Hydrocephalus and severe Dandy Walker Cyst.   Stillborn 10/19/13
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    TTC#3 - (No preventing, TTC+progesterone starting 12/13)
    4/7/14 CD3 BW - FSH 5.6; AMH 0.469 - 4/11/14 S/A Count 35, Motility 47, Morph 1.5
    4/16/14 - Cycle 6 - Natural IUI - Beta 12DPIUI = 3; Beta 13DPIUI=4.  15DPIUI=6. 17DPIU=4. Chemical Pregnancy  
    TTC #4
    5/5/14 Dx MTHFR homozygous A1298C, Benched 1 cycle HSG 5/14 both tubes open w/scarring on the left   
    5/28/14 Starting clomid 6/8/14 IUI #2 1 dominant follicle 31mm Beta 11DPIUI =4, 15DPIUI = 74, 17DPIUI = 165 
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers
  • I would probably prep everything, as long as it fits in one load. If not, just do the newborn stuff and worry about the rest later.

    I'm not sure about the blueberries. If the pocket part is synthetic, you can just wash it once and wash the inserts a bunch.

  • You have a good newborn stash bit if I were buying anything else, I might go with more prefolds (just b/c they're cheap and can always be used for stuffing your pockets down the road). I also might pick up a package or two of cheap washcloths to use for additional wipes. My DS pooped 10-12 times a day for the first few weeks do we went through tons of dipes and wipes!
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  • WOW...looks great to me! I couldn't justify buying newborn size diapers but had been promised borrowing some...and they didn't come through. It worked out really well though. My DS was 7 lbs 14 oz at birth and I used up the pack of sposies that the hospital gave us, and he went straight into BG4.0s. I have 22 and 35 wipes. I was washing almost everyday but with a newborn you're doing so much laundry anyway it didn't phase me. His spitup laundry was more than the diapers.
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