Hello all,
I am having an issue with night leaks - my DS is a big boy (weighed in at 22lbs and 28 inches tall at his 6 month check-up) and drinks a lot and pees a lot! We have been using Pampers Baby Dry Size 4 (22-37lbs) since he was about 20lbs, and they worked fine until this week. Now he is drinking even more at bedtime (up to 10oz), and he has been waking up wet as often as not. We use BumGenius during the day, but couldn't find a cloth diaper that worked (leaks with Kawaii Goodnight Heavy Wetter), hence the Pampers. Now those are leaking! I have been looking on Amazon, and it looks like there are issues with the Pampers Dry Max Overnights splitting and leaking gels all over the babies, and Huggies Overnights may have changed their materials so not as good any more. Any tips??
Re: XP: Night Diaper Leaks - Help!
Hemp is awesome.
I use a Kawaii Goodnight Heavy Wetter, but with one MF and one 3 layer hemp insert. It works really well. The 2 MF gave us leaks. Heck, you could do 2 hemp inserts. They're pretty thin.
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