Hi ladies. I also posted this in c sections, wondering if anyone had a similar experience a and then possibly a successful VBAC. I had a very difficult labor ending up with a cesarean with DS and I was wondering if anyone went through something similar.
I labored for 19 hours and had my epidural about 10 hours in. I had a few shots beforehand and they relaxed me a bit but didn't do too much. It took the anesthesiologist over 1 hour to properly insert the catheter for my epi and he stuck me atleast 10 x in the process. It was horrible, I had a hard time keeping still because I was become more and more anxious as it became more apparent he was having trouble. So after he got it in, it never really offered much relief. I had excruciating back labor for 7 hours even after he had topped it off. So finally the ordered the cesarean and my husband got ready to join me while they wheeled me down.
Now a new catheter had to be inserted for a spinal block and this was with a new anesthesiologist. He had no luck whatsoever. I was in tears for 45 mins with my husband and family freaking out in the waiting room thinking something was wrong. Finally they just put me out completely under general anesthesia and did not let my husband in, I was terrified up until the point where I passed out and missed the birth of my baby that i waited so patiently for 9 months to see. My whole family got to see and hold my son hours before I did, and when I did wake up I was in excruciating pain to the point where seeing him for the first time was very blurry and I wasn't able to enjoy it like I wanted.
I found out later that my friend with then SAME exact docs down to the very last detail went thru the same experience completely, and 2 years later I just found out that we were not the only ones. My OB has left her practice in that hospital bc they refuse to address concerns of patients that had terrible experience with the anesthesiologists who have BOTH since been fired. In fact one of them is being sued by multiple women for malpractice , I am not sure of the specifics but it definitely freaked me out. At the time the one doctor mentioned I may have mild scoliosis and that is why he had so much trouble with the epi, but if it happened to so many other women I question that. I am just terrified of what I may have to go through next time, in no way shape or form do I want to have a repeat. If anything I would like to try for VBAC but I have reservations about that as well. Missing the birth of my child was heartbreaking to me.... I know he was born healthy and I should be happy and not worry about it, but its something I feel was taken from me and I will never forget it. They also denied my husband the same ....has anyone had any of the above happen?
Re: Scary difficult labor/cesarean
I'm so sorry that you missed your baby's birth. You have every right to feel upset about that.
I didn't have a c/s under general anesthesia but I also had a long labor with back labor before my c/s, and I was able to have a fast and easy VBAC with #2. What was the actual reason for your c/s--failure to progress?
Your experience is similar to mine. I was in labor for 27 hours (induction) with an epidural that did not take completely. I ended up having and emergency c-section after 2 hours of pushing because my daughter would not descend and was in distress. When they could not get the epi to be sufficient enough for surgery I was put under. My mother not my husband (due to fainting issues) was not able to come in to the OR they did not tell her until after surgery was already started. I was scared and the only person that understood my fear was the anesthesiologists. He assured me that he would be there the entire time and would not let anything happen to me. After surgery I had some breathing problems, litterly gasped for air for 4 hours after DD birth. I thought I was going to dye. We were team green and I did not know the sex of my baby or get to hold her until she was 4 hours old. I was the last person to get to hold her.
I am pregnant again, while I would LOVE to have a VBAC delivery my fear is having to have a general c-section again and missing this child's birth. I had such a hard time with it after DD birth (I cried for months about it, regardless of the healthy baby line, my heart was broken, I felt robbed of an experience I looked forward to all my life) I do not know if I can handle that again. I have plenty of time to decide, but I also want to decide soon so I can prepare myself for whatever my choice is.
I would be upset too. Missing your baby's birth is definitely a loss that you should grieve. Although, I was not under general, I was so doped up that I really didn't appreciate or experience her birth in the way that I had envisioned. It's one of my primary drivers for wanting a VBAC.
I would definitely speak with your OB about the scoliosis comment and try to identify a hospital that would be better capable of handling a challenging anaesthetic situation. Maybe for the next one you can look into hypnobabies, also, to find some non-medical pain relief.
TTC since 8/09 . MC 1/15/10 @ 7w4d // 6/2/10 @ 8w2d
TTC with no menstrual cycle since 6/10, finally got one 8/25/11
TTC since 8/09 . MC 1/15/10 @ 7w4d // 6/2/10 @ 8w2d
TTC with no menstrual cycle since 6/10, finally got one 8/25/11
I am so sorry that you had such a horrible birth experience. I was in a somewhat similar situation. My epi didn't work, but the OB started cutting anyway. I was never given the option for a general, not that I'm sure I would have taken it anyway. But basically I felt my whole c-section.
Mine was also for FTP and DS1 had some heart decels. I was induced and never got past 1cm.
This time, I went into labor on my own. It was long, but I got my VBAC. My birth story is a little further down.
I had g/a. DD was breech, I was at the hospital due to leaking a lot of fluids, due to be 5.5 cms, so as they broke my water to start labor, they realized she flipped, so had to have what should have been a calm c section.
Well, the anesthiologist would not listen to me when I said I wasn't numb, so as soon as my ob got to the right side of my body, I was screaming in pain because I wasn't numb on that side. So DH got kicked out without explaination. After 4 month of fighting with the anesthesia office, they wrote off my bill with them (it my ded, so I owed them quite a bit) which is nice, but I really would just like an apology. Never going to happen.
My cousin, who isn't a dr, but is something, lol, not sure what, we aren't really close. Anyways, when I told him what happened, and about the stabbing pain I felt from the needle insertion, he said she hit a nerve, which is why my back is killing me still today. It was good to hear him say that though, because there have been times I feel like I imagined the pain from the incision.
I have sat down and talked to my ob. He wasn't in the room when I told the other dr. I wasn't numb, so he truly had no idea, and I could see that he was clearly upset when it all happened (and to his benefit, he was really upset for me when I had to have a csection). It was really good to talk to him about everything. He really wants me to try for a vbac (which is my plan anyways) and we discussed if I do have to have a csection. He promised me that any of his pt's that for some reason had to have g/a didn't need it the second time. Which I know that's just odds, but the odds are good.
I hate that everyone met my daughter first. She was born alone, with no one who loved her. There aren't pictures of her before being bathed. She first drank from a bottle. I didn't hear her first cry.
I could not agree more. This is why it is going to take me a while to decide with this pregnancy. Because I would absolutely lose it if I had to miss another child's birth. My situation gets a little more complicated in the fact that my husband has a weak stomach and passes out really easily. If I have a repeat he will not be in the OR my mother will be there, if I do a vaginal my mother will be my support person. DH will be in there but he will not be much of a help.(It really is that bad) If I go with a VBAC my plan is chiro, doula and hypnobabies. But we will see I am not even 4 weeks yet.