5 Weeks Pregnant

weight gain

I have seriously gained enough weight to go from a 10 to a 12 in 2 weeks. Is that normal?
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Re: weight gain

  • Wow! I'm kind of glad to see someone else is gaining weight, too! I'm 5 weeks pregnant. Found out last week, but the reason I took a test is because I went from a size 2 to a size 5.... I went from 117lbs to 133lbs! This is crazy!!!!
  • eww, 133lbs you are so gross and fat.

    Uggh, I just want to kill you.


    I'm pretty fat to begin with so I haven't noticed any weight gain. I guess you'll just have to get used to gaining weight. Hopefully you'll get your svelte figure back after you deliver...


    Have a H&H 9 months!


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  • I am five weeks and I've already gone from an 8 to a 10, but my doctor says its mostly bloating and constipation ugh! I would suggest getting a Belly Band so you can stay in your pre-pregnancy pants longer.
    BabyFruit Ticker Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Was starting to think it was all in my head! I am 5-6wks preg with my second baby and I swear you can already tell! There must be enough room in there for things to stretch out. Guess I am going to be living in my yoga pants for a while!
  • I am also 5 weeks with my second baby and my pants are getting so tight already! and my breasts have doubled in size. I didn't have these issues this early with my first.
  • I'm five weeks and have started to gian weight too, just found out last week...  I already don't fit in my normal jeans anymore...Glad I'm not the only one!  I couldn't figure out where the wieght was coming from, I had been trying to diet and exercise.  Is it normal to go up a whole pant size this early?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thank goodness!  I went from a 6 to 10.  It's wierd because I'm not ready for maternity clothes, but my "normal clothes" are kinda snug.  I was getting frusterated, but glad to hear other's are feeling the same way.


  • I'm glad it's not just me. I looked in the mirror today and freaked! I don't remember gaining weight like this  at 5 weeks last time. In fact I know I didn't. What to do?
  •  I am also almost 5 weeks, and I feel huge. This is my first...I am noticeably bloated and my jeans are snug and uncomfortable. I have already gained 8 pounds. My friends have been commenting on how I might be having twins since I am gaining so quickly...I have no idea whats going on....I dont think I have been eating enormous amounts of food etc.. I just want the bloating to go away....





  • I don't know how much I've gained but I know spandex and sweats have been my bff for the last week.  I'm 5 wks and got to see my little apple seed yesterday, my  hubby calls it a jelly bean instead.  I had pains off on my side and I thought it was a UTI and the docs were worried it was an ectopic pregnacy, so I was lucky enough they went ahead and did the ultra sound.  I get to see the doc next week and can't wait to see the heart beat. 

    Good luck and best wishes to all the moms out there!

  • I didn't think I'd be gaining any weight for a few more weeks. I'm 4-5 weeks and went from flat to a big gut in a few days. Oh the joys of pregnancy, am I right? :)
  • I am five weeks pregnant and feeling pretty bloated most of the time.  I don't want to get on the scale.  I was on a kick to lose weight before this happened and lost 21 pounds and now I am about to gain it all back!Crying
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  • Oh thank god!!! I am 5 weeks also! I thought I was the only one to gain a crazy amount of weight! Glad to know I'm not going crazy!
  • Okay, I am SO glad that I'm not the only one. I'm gaining so much weight, and honestly I just want to work out. No, I'm not super weight-conscious, nor do I have body-image issues...I just want to be able to get my body back as soon as possible after the baby comes.  

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • I gained 55 lbs with my last one and am scared to death that I am going to do it again. So far I think that I have only gained about 1 lb, but all the books I am ready say that I can only gain 3.5lbs from week 3 to week 13! I have a while before week 13 and I am already 1/3rd of the way there! I hope I do better this time around.
  • Before I even knew I was pregnant yet I was complaining that I was getting fat and my jeans hurt my stomach.  I'm five weeks today and so bloated that getting them zipped will be impossible.  My husband and I ordered two belly bands from amazon.com last night, i can't wait for them to get here so i can stop wearing sweat pants.
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  • glad I'm not the only one, I couldn't figure out what was going on, no change in diet or exercise, and I though surely this little seed couldn't be causing this, but I guess it can-bloated!  Thanks ladies, glad to know I'm not alone.
  • me too!  118 to 125 at 5 weeks
  • Same here, I was 150 and now i am 162. I do blame it on the constipation and bloating. Im hoping to stay at this weight and not gain anymore, but i doubt that will happen lol
    BabyFruit Ticker Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Dog tickers
  • Same here, im 5 weeks and I was 150 and now i am 162. I do blame it on the constipation and bloating. Im hoping to stay at this weight and not gain anymore, but i doubt that will happen lol
    BabyFruit Ticker Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Dog tickers
  • I feel the exact same way and I am soo scared to step on the scale.....I am five weeks as of today and I feel like I am stuffed in my clothes..... When does the bloating and constipation end....
  • i've actually lost 7 lbs! but with both my kids, i gained 70 lbs! my youngest is 17 months, and i lost 100 lbs after him, so i'm hoping my metabolism stays the same!
    BabyFetus Ticker


  • I am almost 6 weeks w/ my second.... and the constipation and bloating never stops unfortunatley! hello sweat pants, here we come!


  • OMG, me too!!! I needed to drop some weight before I got pregnant anyway, but I have seriously blown up at just 5 weeks! This is my third and this definitely did not happen with the first 2. I am contributing it to being much older and way out of shape this time around. I have to remind myself not to worry about my weight so much, that as long as I have a healthy baby, I can work to lose the weight after she is born.
  • I am the same.. I just found out last week and i am 5 weeks... last week for sure i was so bloated. Thats what my friends said it was.. my stomach was so big i was ready to start wearing maternity clothes already.. Drink lots of water and tums help with the bloating.. mine doesnt look as big today but i feel ya..



  • I have gained 8 lbs in two weeks. I am 6'0" was 165 now I am 173. I am really dreading being near 200.
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  • I'm a lil over 5 weeks and have gained almost 10 pounds, I'm hopin most of it is just water weight though.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • I am definitely glad to hear I am not the only one...I was beginning to question if I was crazy I have gained about 4 to 5 pounds and I am only 5 weeks along, I am average size with a jBMI ust below overweight pre pregnancy, pretty athletic and always eat very healthy and exercise....glad to hear it can just be bloating was really wondering what  I was doing! My pants are also snug and uncomfrotable, I suppose this is the stage where people think your just putting ona  few pounds.....
  • I'm at 5 weeks too and I've gained almost 5 pounds!  And I can't figure out why cause I've actually been eating less because I've felt so queasy.  We don't want to tell anyone at work yet so thank God I wear scrubs and they hide everything!
  • I am at 5 weeks also and i just bought a new bra and cant barely fit in it. Which is actually nice since I have always been small, minus the soreness! I am definitely experiencing some bloat also!! Here's to another 7 months and 3 weeks. 
    Mrs. Moore 09 IAmPregnant Ticker BabyFruit Ticker Anniversary
  • I read that weight gain your first timester is not normal.  Maybe one or two pounds.

    Healthy weight before pregnancy:
    • 1-4.5 pounds during the first trimester
    • Approximately 1-2 pounds per week in the second trimester
    • Approximately 1-2 pounds per week in the third trimester

     I have actually lost 2 pounds.



    Married my Best Friend 6.25.11 Was Gonna start trying 6.20.12 BFP 3.5.12 BabyFruit Ticker Stick baby Stick!
  • I am 5-6 weeks and I have gained about 10 lbs! I am already big to begin with but it looks like I could be at least 5-6 months pregnant! It's nuts lol But really, it's so worth it :) I'm going be a mommy for the first time and I seriously can not wait to hold my baby in my arms...
  • Whew. I am so glad I found this thread. :P I was seriously getting disturbed that at almost 5 weeks, I'm almost popping out of my bras, my jeans barely button, and my shirts are all uncomfortable and slightly too snug.

    I've gained about 5 lbs., just enough to make everything not fit.  

    Anniversary Pregnancy Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • im 5 weeks and i gained 6 pounds i was like whoa i look bigger than "Normal" and i creid and i have been super sick i dont have morning sickness i have all day sickness lol and everything hurts

  • I'm almost 6 weeks and can sympathize on the bra size. I am not blessed in the breast department but i am totally popping out of my current bra size. As far as weight, I feel bloated but I've actually lost weight. The most of the day sickness is not fun.  
  • I feel so much better seeing that I am not the only one!  I am just five weeks with our first and started to question if I was further along because I feel like I am showing already... Here's to hope that the bloating will get better.  Congratulations to all and here is to happy and healthy babies.  
  • .
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  • Am going on 6weeks and I have picked up a bit of weight. my wedding is at the end of the month and everyone has been telling me not to worry as I'll only be 8 weeks. but at this rate...??? Could it be twins?? any advice out there? This is our first baby....

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