Baby Names

Unusual Family Name?

So my husband's grandfather was a remarkable man and the patriarch of a wonderfully close family full of intelligent and interesting folks.  He was a pioneer in the legal community where we live and had an outwardly obvious love for his wife that was well know in the community at a time when many men of means did not display their affection openly.  When he died and his will was found it was basically an open love letter to his wife that, as a lawyer, he intentionally created so that once it was found it would be a matter of public record once executed. My DH is the eldest grandchild, they were very close and DH followed in his footsteps, (as did DH's dad), and became a lawyer. 

If we have a boy we are considering naming him after DH's grandfather, Valen, (pronounced Vay-len).  It is not short for anything, (like Valentino).  In our discussions our only concern it that it seems like a made up name with the Braden/Caden/Jayden trend. Or that it is too unique and he would get teased.  Honestly what do you think?

Me: 37 DH: 43 Married 9/2004 TTC since 9/2005 CP Dec 2006 MC June 2008 at 6 weeks MC April 2010 at 9 weeks 50 clomid+IUI 11/2010=BFN 50 clomid+IUI 12/2010=BFP MC Feb 2011 at 7 weeks 8/11 CD3 AFC=24,FSH=6.91,AMH=5.6,E2=47.9, TSH=1.27,8/26 12DPO BFP Alistair Charles "Charlie" was born 5/7 weighing 8lbs, 10oz and 22" was long imageimageimageimage

Re: Unusual Family Name?

  • I only like it because of the family significance.  I do think it would appear to be a made up name to most people.  IMO it would work better as a middle name, but if you love it and it works well with your last name, use it!
  • imagefwbflutegirl:
    I only like it because of the family significance.  I do think it would appear to be a made up name to most people.  IMO it would work better as a middle name, but if you love it and it works well with your last name, use it!

    This exactly.  

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  • I think it would fit in perfectly as a middle name.  Kids would probably call him Val, or even Valerie just to be mean.

    We can't contemplate every mean nickname an imaginary bully would call our children-to-be, but I think in this case, Valerie is very likely to be his name in middle school.

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  • I like it! And the fact that your child is being named after such a great person and family member is more important then what anyone thinks of the name. If you and your DH like it then go for it!
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  • I think it would make a great middle name!
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  • Middle name.

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  • imagefwbflutegirl:
    I only like it because of the family significance.  I do think it would appear to be a made up name to most people.  IMO it would work better as a middle name, but if you love it and it works well with your last name, use it!


  • I may be revealing just how nerdy I am here but my first thought was of the character Valen from the old sci-fi show Babylon 5.

    I'd use it as a middle name if I were you.

    Jan17 Sept Sig: Pumpkin Spice gone too far
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Who cares if it is close to those names. It is important to your family.
  • Valens is probably the source--a Roman emperor.  That's pronounced Va-lens, though--short A,

    I don't think he'd be teased, but the pronunciation would def. make me pause.

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    TTC since 6/02 (age 22) K/U instantly despite no AF for 5 months--preemie baby boy 1/03
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    Always thought I'd be a "mom of many"--now just hoping to be a "mom of one or two more!"
  • I  like the name. I think people are going to pronounce it Val en. Not Vay len.

    My son's name Orion (like the constilation) gets mis-pronounced all the time as


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  • Reminds me of Van Halen
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker - Your personal anecdotal evidence is so much more relevant than this legitimate scientific study.
  • I think its great to use tributes for a middle name
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