TTC after 35

Any work at home moms on here?

I work full time, and I'm also a part time student.  It's so stressful.  I don't know if I can handle both job and college, AND have a baby.   I'm just wondering if any women out there have successfully profited from working at home?

Re: Any work at home moms on here?

  • Do you mean are there women who work from home that have good paying jobs?

    I work from home and make a normal middle class salary, and have many friends who work in high tech from home that make much more than me.  

    ttc since 2/2010 ~
    me (36): Hypothyroid (on Levothroid), low vit. d, borderline/high fsh (day 3: between 7-10) (day 10: 13 during CCCT), AFC: 14
    dh (31): awesome (minus one sample with agglutination)
    Diagnosis:possible DOR and/or unexplained + elevated NK cells + MTHFR (C677T - one copy)

    MAY 2011 - FEB 2012 - 3 injectable IUI's with numerous cancellations due to high TSH levels
    MAY 2012 - onto IVF/ICSI (Antagonist Protocol) on BCP and Folgard (3 week delay - cyst - boooo) 5/21 start stims 5/30 ER 11R 8M 3F 6/2 3DT of 3 6/12 Beta #1 83 | 6/14 Beta #2 196 | 6/21 Beta #3 3818 | 6/28 Beta #4 22,213 | 7/2 1st U/S - 2 on board! 8/24 CVS reveals that we have a boy AND a girl on board!

    Healthy baby boy and girl born in February, 2013 at 38 weeks and 2 days!

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • I don't work at home on a regular basis.  I did work at home when I had foot surgery and it went great.  Our rules say that if you have a baby you have to have other child care while you work from home.  You can feed the baby during breaks and such but can't be the full time provider and say that you are working at the same time.  If I did need to be on bed rest before the baby was born, I might be able to work from home but I doubt that my current supervisor would allow it.
    BFP on IVF #2 6/29/2012. Beta #1 7/3 = 522; Beta #2 = 1180; Beta #3 = 6491 image BabyFruit Ticker
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  • I work at home.  I have my own childcare business.  :)  I have been licensed (to provide care for up to 8 children) for 13 yrs.  I would not say I make GOOD money but I make enough to help with the bills and it is a plus to be home for school holidays/sick days.  I do get stir crazy though.. being stuck at home 5 days a week for 10 hours a day can take a toll.  I LIVE for my online friends just to have some adult "conversation".  :) 

    I don't know what state you are in but it is relatively easy to get licensed in CA.  A home inspection and some training days are required.  After you are licensed you just have to make sure your CPR/1st aid training stays up to date.  Oh and make sure your are ready at all times for a surprise inspection from the county.  :)  

    Me: 40 Dh: 41, TTC since August 2009, began Acupuncture and Herbs Sept 2011, began Temping and Charting Nov 2011. image
  • I own a business and work from my home. I in a different city than the rest of my team. My child is in pre-school all day so I can actually get work done. He started when he was 4 months old.

     I have no time to clean the house, so I have a housekeeper come once a week.


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