I can't seem to get this drowsy and awake thing to work with my girls. With DD1, I BF'd her to sleep every night for the first 7 months. She was STTN at 6 weeks so I didn't mind the extra work at the beginning of the night. When she was 7 months old, we let her CIO at the beginning of the night. She was ready and it was the best thing did for our family. I'm trying to put the twins down drowsy and see if the can put themselves to sleep but they can't seem to do it. I swaddle them up nice and tight and lay them down. They squirm around, I'm assuming trying to escape the swaddle, and after a few minutes, they start crying. I don't let them cry more than a few seconds, as long as it takes for me to get back to my bedroom from the living room or wherever I am in the house. I tried it every time they needed to sleep all weekend and it didn't work once with either of them. Are they too young? They will be 6 weeks old on Wednesday. They were born 1 day before 37 weeks so techinically premature. I thought I'd seen moms post about their babies putting themselves to sleep pretty early on. Am I mistaken? TIA!
Re: Drowsy and awake = no crying?