Canada Babies


I just booked my first U/S! 

The H and I talked it over quite a bit this weekend and we've decided to go ahead with the prenatal screening (IPS). 

Which meannnnnns, we get our first U/S at 12 weeks!  I don't have to wait all the way until 18 weeks!

I'm both excited and nervous, but definitely excited.  I'm not, however, looking forward to having to sit with a full bladder for at least an hour.  Boo-urns.

That is all, I just had to share somewhere!

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Re: Eeeep!

  • Yay that's so exciting!! Random comment from my mom - we were talking about the wedding I was at and she asked if we drank blah blah.. and basically told her we got drunk and she goes "well you better hope you're not pregnant" I was like umm I'm not? She knows nothing about us TTC or anything, random! Mother's instinct perhaps?
  • Eek so exciting!!!!!!!
    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
    Pregnancy Ticker
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  • thats so awesome!!! 


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