been having issues getting my daughter into her CDs. she was 4.5 lbs at birth, now she is finally up to 6 pounds. Didn't want to spend even more money on getting smaller diapers that fit so have been sadly using sposies. When i have tried the prefolds on her if she pees the outside of the prefold is wet too. Is that how it is supposed to be? The prefolds and covers were to bulky for her preemie clothes, so I just tried the prefolds but the pee went through the prefold and got her clothes wet, so i didn't bother trying that anymore. I'm thinking by the time i can get the prefolds to work she might fit into her one size diapers. Her newborn grovias fit, but i have 2 of those, seems like a waste to really use those two diapers if i'm not able to Cd her the rest of the time. Like I say i just don't want to spend more money on buying more diapers when hopefully either the prefolds or one size will work in about a month.
Re: prefolds
DD was low birth weight and I just used sposies until she was ~ 6 weeks old and finally fit into her pre-folds (yellow-edged GMD) with a thirsties cover. I think you would need to move her up to NB size clothes for the prefold/cover to work. Prefolds really need a cover, they get wet fast. Otherwise I would just hold off on using cloth until she is in NB clothes, which hopefully wont be too long!
Love your siggy pic btw, sooo sweet!
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)

Yes, the PF will get wet all the way through in time. It's perfectly normal.
You need a cover over a prefold. They are not waterproof.