September 2014 Moms

*****Yo, it's time fo' UO*****

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Re: *****Yo, it's time fo' UO*****

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  • I love all the update posts. But am I the only one who feels super weird commenting on ones when I have absolutely NO idea who the person is? I almost feel like I shouldn't because I don't want it to seem insincere, if that makes sense.

    Me to! Half the ladies that post I have no idea who they are. I recognize the name or picture but they've only posted a handful of times.
  • Since someone mentioned it in another thread: I hate the elf on the shelf. I find them creepy, I think they place way too much pressure on parents, I think they make parents feel inferior to other parents, and I don't need my kid being comfortable with something other than parents or God keeping such close tabs on their personal behavior.
    I think it's a cute concept... but I agree it's not for me.

    Have you seen this?
  • I was always one of those people who said let the baby come out on their own. Until this week. Perhaps it is being uncomfortable or the fact that I have nothing planned until LO comes, but I want him/her out. I almost failed an NST the other day and I thought hey induction wouldn't be so bad. Then yesterday I asked the OB how she felt about sweeping my membranes. She replied that the practice doesn't do that. Good thing I picked them at the beginning of my pg.

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  • Elf on the Shelf is creepy and dumb IMO. Tell me where the logic lies in an "elf" watching over your kids so they will be good and all the stupid elf does is cause mischief. Not to mention the fact that parents have to create messes to make said elf seem real and fun only to have to clean up the mess themselves. I'll pass thanks.


  • 1 - get this kid out of me now. I'm 1089765% done. There is a solid chance someone will be harmed if I go back to work on Tuesday at 40w1d

    2 - I hate that elf. It's creepy looking. But my mom thought I was being a Scrooge and got one for her house and my kids LOVED it. And we didn't really use it in a threatening way (since they didn't understand that) but they were so excited to find it in the morning and see it throughout the day. And that part was really fun. We didn't do anything cool with it. Christmas is a lot of work without adding something else in.

    My mom is mad about my elf thoughts as well, and has one for her home already. We compromised that she can set up her elf however she likes but none of the "reporting to Santa" business.


  • Elf on the Shelf is way creepy. I do suggest googling "naughty elf on the shelf" for a good laugh, though...
  • This may be more of a fffc but since we are talking about wanting babies out. I'm fine with my baby cooking longer because I am just now over 37 weeks. However, I am very type A personality and just wish I knew what day the baby was coming. I am very much a planner and the term EDD just drives me crazy. Especially since I have been having random contractions and a very low baby. With all the medical advance today we still have cervical checks to check for dilation and effacement and they really don't mean much.
    The joys of pregnancy.
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  • Groxb said:

    I fucking LOVE Christmas. Music, decor, smells, tree, etc.

    (And yes- I realize I didn't mention anything about the religious side. I'm Fox New's worst enemy...)


    UO- I scheduled my induction a day after my EDD. Some may think that's nuts, and too soon to induce. I say I just need a light at the end of my pain tunnel. Hmm- pain tunnel; double meaning and I LIKE it!

    DED at "pain tunnel" and it's double meaning.

    ^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^

    image    image


     <3 Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.

  • I am Christmas' worst enemy.. until December 1st then I am the fucking elf on a shelf. I love the decorate, listen to the music, watch the crappy made for TV movies.  But Christmas needs to back the freak off Thanksgiving, which is my FAVORITE holiday.  In my family Thanksgiving was basically Christmas without the expectations of gifts (which is super awkward in my family, there is seriously a great financial divide that causes tension). People get together, cook together, laugh together... I get a little drunk so I don't notice some people as much, I get to hear all the gossip about how my cousin is on her x marriage and has been clean for x amount of time (or not clean.. and recently divorced again, whateves.)  I LIVE for the Thanksgiving gossip. Don't get my family wrong, we really do all love and support each other, we are just all nosy people.  It probably helps that we also all live pretty far apart so when we do get to see each other we are all just really happy too.
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  • conradragingconradraging member
    edited August 2014
    CarmAlarm said:

    UO #1: All of you saying you want baby out early as your UO are wrong because that makes it popular.  I am grumpy. Only @conradraging 's counts as a UO cuz it was first. SO THERE>

    UO #2: I also want baby out. Right now.  But my apparently unpopular opinion is that I was offered an induction date already and chose not to take it because as uncomfortable as I am, and as sick as I am of being pregnant, I'm still choosing to keep him in as long as possible.  Doesn't mean I don't want him out.  
    I'm just going to show up at your induction date and pretend to be you.

    Eta: you know, since my cervix isn't favorable enough for my own dumb doctor.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • Mine goes along with everyone else. I was all for this baby baking as long as he wanted but I seriously considered how hard it would be to give myself a c section last night.
    Also, I don't like when people ask me if im dilated etc....why are you concerned with my cervix is weird.
    Biggest UO though: I hate pumpkin spice lattes. I don't like pumpkin to begin with and they are just gross.
    you're horrifying me. more for the rest of us!
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
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  • zoeyy said:

    I refuse to pack a hospital bag because as soon as I do he will arrive 2 weeks late. Babies don't like when you are prepared. 

     On the topic of nails I really don't like the look of the long pointy nails. How do you not stab/hurt yourself or others all the time?
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    ugh I haaaate nails like that. They're pretty fugly and I don't understand the appeal

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