
5/6 Months...

Was it really hard?? I feel like things were going so well and now it just seems like it's become so much harder. They can't stay awake long enough or sleep long enough to make it happily between feedings many times (it's not a hunger issue, if I feed them early they don't eat well and the pedi already told me we are feeding them more often than many babies at this age). I also feel like I need to constantly entertain them and they get bored with everything so quickly. Plus, we used to use the swing to try to extend naps, but they no longer seem to be fans of that.  They are healthy and overall happy babies, so I know I'm fortunate, it's just exhausting sometimes and I'm about to go back to work full time and I'm so anxious about how things will go.


Re: 5/6 Months...

  • That was a rough age for us.  We moved to a 4 hour schedule at 5 months because of sleep difficulties, with a goal of 2 up and 2 down, on an EASY routine.  They couldn't do the 2/2 and would wake early from naps but wouldn't sleep in the swing anymore.  The 4 hour schedule was still far better than the 3.5 hour schedule we'd been on.

    Are they able to support themselves well enough for the jumparoo or the exersaucer?  Those started to be big hits around that age.

    It was rough because they wanted to do stuff but couldn't sit up.  They could do the Bumbo for short periods of time but not super extended periods.  

    Mine started sitting up unassisted just after 6 months and it was awesome.  I could put a basket of toys between them and they'd play happily.  Hang in there! - some really fun stuff is just around the corner. 

  • I remember posting this exact thing at that age.... I can tell you that it does get better!  For me it seemed like they were wanting to do things and entertain themselves, but they just could not yet.  It does get better when they can sit/crawl and grab toys.  Hang in there!
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  • Thanks ladies! That's exactly  how I feel, like they want to move themselves or do stuff on their own, but they just can't yet. We just moved to the 4 hour schedule, but had to add a feeding back in between the last nap (3 naps) and the last feeding just to keep them happy because they couldn't make it awake that long.

    They have been using the jumperoos for a while now, those are definitely helpful. We may try to get an exersaucer or something similar as well, just to change it up.

  • Months 4-6 were awful for us. Pure hell. The babies were never happy and wouldn't sleep. They went through their 4-month wakeful period closer to 5 months, and then they started rolling and couldn't sleep b/c of that, and then they hit the 6 month growth spurt. It was all terrible. Finally, a little after 6 months, things got SO SO SO much better. 
  • imagekafunder:
    Months 4-6 were awful for us. Pure hell. The babies were never happy and wouldn't sleep. They went through their 4-month wakeful period closer to 5 months, and then they started rolling and couldn't sleep b/c of that, and then they hit the 6 month growth spurt. It was all terrible. Finally, a little after 6 months, things got SO SO SO much better. 

    Are you sure you weren't at my house? My boys were the same way! 

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  • I could have written this EXACT post. The girls had their best period so far from 2.5-3.5 months. For the last month its been so hard. They have been so much fussier, waking up more often at night (but still STTN) and they want to be held ALL the time. They get so bored unless we are constantly doing something with them, and they try to sit up so much. They are also starting to teethe already so that doesn't help. I'm hoping once they can sit up on their own it will be so much better.

    We got 2 bumbos recently and that has helped a lot too since they can sit up more in those and they LOVE the outside, so glad its nice enough weather to bring them out for another month or so!

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  • This age was when I did stations.  Exersaucer, walker, jumper, bouncy with music plus things they could kick.  Rotate them through!  
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