Cloth Diapering

Wetbag ?'s

I'm looking at goodmama and I see there are double zippered wetbags. What are they? Does anyone have a picture?

Also, I love the small wetbags that can fit 1 diaper and a wipe on the outside idea for the diaper bag. Genius! They are however $15 each. With 2 babies I need 6-8. Is there anyone who knows where to get some similar to these (small, zippered and pouch on the front for wipe) for cheaper?  

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Re: Wetbag ?'s

  • Can I ask why you want to individually bag each diaper in the diaper bag?  I just carry one medium sized wetbag in my diaper bag - it holds 3-4 dirty diapers which is plenty if I'm out running errands all day.   For DC I send a large Kanga Care wetbag - which easily holds the 4-5 dipes DS goes through in day.
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