Here's a link to a Flickr set with a bunch of items that I'm putting up for sale. Asking prices are listed in the description. Email me if you're interested in any: traynornuskin at gmail dot com
Not pictured in set d/t technical difficulties:
- 2 BabyKicks Bumboo pocket diapers in GUC-VGUC, color: white, asking $12 ppd each
Pictured on Flickr set:
- Happy Heinys OS pocket in Royal ($12ppd)
- 4 BabyKicks hemp prefolds (purple trim - small size) ($25 ppd for all)
- Best Bottom system : 12 large inserts + 4 covers/shells ($85ppd for set
- 3 BabyKicks organic fitteds (Asking $9/each ppd -- If purchasing more than one, will sell at $17 for 2 or $25 for all 3)
- 3 LoveyBums fitteds, size large (Asking $8/each ppd -- if purchasing more than one, will sell at $15/2 or $22 for all 3)