Still breech at 39 weeks. :(

It seems like I have stubborn breech babies no matter what. :P

I'm really trying to stay positive and hope this baby will turn, but it's getting more difficult. I've tried everything to get this baby to turn and nothing. I'm super thankful that my midwife is okay with me waiting until I'm 40 weeks, Monday, to schedule anything even though the Dr recommended scheduling a c-section this week.

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Re: Still breech at 39 weeks. :(

  • I'm glad your MW is letting you wait to schedule.  Does she and/or the doctor deliver breech babies?  Or is a RCS your only option if LO doesn't flip?

    Sending you lots of baby-flipping vibes and labor dust!  I hope everything works out for you.


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  • I'm sorry he/she hasn't turned yet.  I have a friend who's baby turned the day she went into labor, so it's never too late!  I hope that baby turns soon for you and i'm glad you have a MW who is willing to give you more time.

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  • So sorry to hear that!   This is one of my 'you've got to be kidding me' scenarios.  All the planning and preparation for a VBAC - to not even get to try. 

    Sending you lots of good baby turning thoughts.

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  • Unfortunately they don't deliver breech babies.

    I'm super thankful that I switched to this birthing center. The midwives are fantastic and are still hopefully that he might flip by Monday.

    Thanks for the vibes!!! 

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  • Here's hoping. :) Thanks for the good thoughts mama. I can use them with all the negativity DH's family is providing at the moment.
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  • They did say they will do a VBAC after 2 c-sections, so there is hope down the line. :P

    Thanks for the good thoughts! Smile

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  • Try the hynobabies track for turning breech babies!  It is only like $10 and it could work so I would give it a try!!!
  • I didn't find out until DD was 39 weeks that she was breech.  Talk about last minute info...

    You should discuss with your MW about waiting until you go into labor naturally vs a scheduled c-section.  There are still benefits to labor for the baby (even if you don't deliver vaginally), and there are times where a baby will turn during labor.  A friend had a RCS and had a doc let her labor up until transition before prepping her for surgery.  Even though she didn't get her VBAC, it was still theraputic for her to experience labor.

    Still hope your baby spins you have your VBAC!

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  • I second waiting for labor to begin naturally. Why rush it just because baby is turned the wrong way? I went into labor naturally with a breech baby.
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  • It's a great track!
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  • Seriously! :(

    I'll bring that up at my appointment on Monday. Thanks!

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