What were your betas like?
Did you have symptoms?
What causes an eptopic?
I'm going in for an u/s on Friday to rule out the possibility of an ectopic and I'm freaking out.
Last week on Wednesday my beta was 92 and today it was 1154 and because I'm 5w4d they think I could have an ectopic. My numbers started out low, but have been doubling like they should. My RE nurse totally freaked me out and told me that at this point the doubling doesn't matter so much?
Please let them see the sack in my uterus and not an ectopic.
I'm so scared.
Re: RP: Anyone have an Ectopic pg?
I have had two ectopic pregnancies. They can be very trying, but don't get freaked out yet. They are cause when the egg gets caught in your fallopian tube and doesnt get to the uterus. It could be cause by some scarring in your tubes or just be for no good reason at all.
I had abdominal pain and shoulder pain with the first one. I did not have blood work with it. I was almost 8 weeks when it was discovered because I got really sick. It ruptured and I lost my right tube.
The second time they monitored me very closely. The beta numbers doubled a couple of times then stopped. They checked by ultrasound and could not find anything in the uterus, it had implanted in the cornea of my uterus. Where the tube connects. I had a shot of methotrexate and they told me I would experience cramping and get my period. The egg would dissolve.
If I get pregnant again they will monitor my bloodwork and do an ultrasound around 5-6 weeks.
There are specifics in my bio, but it is long and pretty sad. I had two very bad experiences. Dont assume what happened to me will happen to you.
Just listen to your doctor, and get the tests they recommend. It is terrible to think of losing a pregnancy but drawing it out could make things a lot worse.
Good Luck I am praying that there will be a sack in the uterus.
Thanks for your responses.
I think the RE nurse just really freaked me out. She has a way of saying things that makes you expect the worst...and then of course I start freaking out and worrying even more! I have another beta on Friday morning and my u/s is Friday afternoon, so I'll get the result of that days beta at my u/s appt. Fortunately I'll be able to meet with the RE at that time too. I'm trying to hope for the best, but its so hard.
This would be my 5th pg loss if this turned out to be ectopic.
I had an eptopic PG - I found out I was PG on Monday and the next Monday had a period like flow. the BETA numbers were really low, they did an u/s which showed the egg stuck in my tube. I ended up loosing my left tube from it.
I wish you the best of luck.
i had one this last cycle- the pregnancy ended up in my right tube- we caught it early & after a methotrexte shot, my levels went down very quickly.
i hope it's not one for you- good luck!
look at the birds | bless this food
We were shocked to find out I had an ectopic pg because my betas were increasing the way they should have w/ a normal pg.
No real side effects other than some mild cramping the day before my u/s but it was more towards the left side kidney. I did have some thick black clotting (tmi, sorry) so I actually thought af was here, I was given a pg test which confirmed a bfp.
My 1st u/s was done about 4 or 5 days after my pg test. u/s confirmed that the pg was in my left tube. I was 6.5 wks pg.
I was given 2 shots of mexotrexate and then had to wait for those side effects to kick in.
I'll keep thinking positive thoughts for you!
My betas rose slowly but didn't come close to doubling, which is apparently a classic sign of ectopic. They were 16, 21, 26, and 100.
I had no symptoms.
A variety of causes have been suggested for why EPs happen.
I don't know why the nurse would say that to you, at least without explaining her reasoning. That's just mean.
Good luck on Friday.
Thanks Dr.Loretta. Yea, this nurse in particular has a way about her that isn't very sympathetic, optimistic, or nice. Not my fave nurse, thats for sure. She never gives me any hope. It's always the worst, expect the worst. I did make a comment that maybe I'll be that miracle that started off with a low beta and ends up with a successful pg and she just kind of snickered and said, "yea, that would be a miracle, but that very rarely ever happens." Something to that affect. I could have just started bawling.