I started last night. Ugghhh! My body is so stupid! Stupid period.
I am making a return to The Bump after almost 2 years and this is my first time on this board. DS is 2y2m old. I'm 36 and we are ready for #2, but evidently my body has other plans.
We have been off the pill since December. I started really paying attention to the days we had sex and when I should have been ovulating in May. 4 months now that I know we have had sex during the window of opportunity. I haven't used OPKs yet, but will be starting that this month. OBGyn had said in July to come back in if I wasn't pregnant by October. Figure I should break down and use the OPKs first.
Which OPKs do you guys use? When do you typically start testing?
Thanks. :-)
Married to the Love of My Life since September 14, 2002.
Me: 39 DH: 36
BFP#1: 10/20/08, EDD: 6/29/09
PIH, bedrest for 4 wks, delivered at 39 weeks by induction and then c-section- Healthy baby boy on 6/24/09 :-)
BFP#2: 11/24/11, EDD: 8/4/12, Angel Baby- 2/19/12
Enlarged bladder seen on U/S at 12 weeks (1/15/12), possibly LUTO or Prune Belly, Heartbeat at OB on 2/17/12,
No heartbeat/movement at U/S on 2/20/12, (missed MC), D&E:2/22/12. Miscarried our sweet angel boy @ 16 wks
TTCAL since June 2012,
Progesterone normal, FSH elevated & AMH on the low side-- "ovaries acting older"
Clomid cycles: 50 mg in February, July, August, September, November 2013, June 2014-- BFNs!! :-(
August & September 2014: Clomid, HCG and IUI-- BFNs
September 2014: FSH= 15.7 AMH= 0.25 UGH!!! Old lady Ovaries!!!
October & November 2014: Gonadatropin injections, HCG & IUI... BFNs!!
We have been blessed with a sweet little boy.
Hoping to be able to give him a sibling someday.
Re: Ugghh stupid AF... OPK question
I use the wondfo OPK's from Amazon. They are really cheap and you get a ton. I tend to have irregular cycles so I like that I can buy a lot for cheap and test more often.
I have found from personal experience that I get positives when I test between 3-4PM. I only test once a day although others test twice a day so they don't miss the surge.
You may want to start testing twice a day and then if you notice a pattern you can adjust accordingly. If you tend to ovulate around the same time each cycle then you can start testing maybe a few days before you expect to O until you get a positive OPK.
Here is the link to the Wondfo OPK's:
Some people use the digital OPK's because they are easier to read but they are more expensive.
HTH and GL!
I use the OPK sticks... after a mishap of trying to get off the toilet holding a cup and bumping it and having it spill all over the floor, I was done peeing in a cup and using the strips. Plus I found them harder to read. I use generic brand sticks - 7 pack. They are more expensive than the strips, but less than the digitals.
I'm pretty regular - O'ing around day 9 or 10. I usually test int he afternoon of day 8 and if I'm seeing a faint line, test twice a day until I get a positive. If I don't see a line, I don't test again until the afternoon of the next day.
HSG: good; Estradiol: 62 FSH: 4.4
AMH: 0.75 Progesterone: 9
DH: Volume: 1.2 Motility 34
Concentration: 39.6 Morphology: 5
Looking at IUI in Nov
These...I just love a happy face. Also start around CD10.
Polyp removed/hypothyriod 6/2011
7/2011 IUI#1 w/ 150 Follistim/Ovidrel trigger BFN
8/2011 IUI#2 w/225 Follistim/Ovidrel trigger BFN
10/2011 IUI#3 w/300 Follistim/Ovidrel trigger (BFP)
beta #1: 195 beta#2: 502
7/2013 Back to RE because my uterus is OLD