Cloth Diapering

CD Sizing...

Is it normal to have red marks around DS's legs or indents from the diaper tabs on his skin?  We've been trying to figure out just which snap works right for him and he is kind of "in between" sizes... we are doing two snaps in on one side and three on the other in our Grovia NB AIOs and one snap/two snaps on the Lil Joeys.  It is like the top of the diaper is too big if the legs seem comfortable and the legs are too small when we make the top fit more snug...


Am I doing something wrong??

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Re: CD Sizing...

  • I've never used Lil Joeys, but I do get a lot of red marks from the Grovia AIO I have... it's part of the reason I don't use it much. I've heard that newborns are really hard to fit, part of the reason lots of people use prefolds for that stage. My LO does fit into things much better now that he's a bit bigger.
    Lilypie - (8zJg)Lilypie - (Eu83)
  • Assuming the Lil Joeys are similar to the OS RaRs, there should be two rows of snaps. Try snapping the bottom snap one snap behind the top. The tabs will look something like this: /.::. where slashes = tabs and dots = snaps. Does that make sense?
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  • Pretty much every diaper we have leaves red elastic marks somewhere - and if I make it looser, he'll poop and pee out the leg holes!  I figure it's not too much different from the marks my jeans or underwear make on MY legs, and disposables still gave him some of the same, so I haven't worried about it.  I do try to leave him diaperless on the changing table for a while after most changes if possible, and I switch brands with each change because each one leaves slightly different marks.

    Grant - 6/2/11
    Glenn and Caroline - 6/19/13

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