I'm new here! DD was born at 35 weeks gestation due to severe pre-clampsia and although she wasn't as early as some of you ladies LO's she still needs mommy's protection.
I'm tired of people randomly showing up at my house wanting to see her. I'm tired of the comments on how much weight I've lost and how lucky I am. I'm tired of people getting mad because they are yet to hold her. I'm tired of being accused of preventing her from getting love & affection from her grandparents & aunts/uncles because I'm selfish. I just want to lock the world out! I was even told that family doesn't "carry harmful germs" so I should let them see her. Olivia spent a little over a week in NICU and it was very difficult for DH & I. I'm still fighting with high BP so my time with her was limited & I wish people would understand that I missed her first minutes of life & I'm trying to do all I can to make of for it. I wish I didn't have to be so torn but my daughters health is much more important to me than people seeing her. Why don't people understand? I'm so frustrated!
Re: Vent
People just don't get it...It's sad and unfair but very true.
Sorry that you are having to deal with all of this, but know that each and everyone of us has dealt with this same situation. You are not wrong for protecting your LO.
How long have you been home? Having clear defined rules for visiting is important.
Also, we didn't let people come over and stay who hadn't had their TDap shots. When people did come over they had to wash hands. No one over who had been ill or had contact with someone who was ill in a week.
That said, we did allow grandparents over. We wouldn't have if they just invited random people to come over.
Also, who just shows up at a new mom's house? WTF. Preemie or not. That is a no-no.
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)