
Formula Sales

Our NICU nurse hooked up in the formula department - we have a ton of Enfamil Enfacare and Enfamil Newborn - Our Pediatrician just switched us to Enfamil Gentalease because we mainly breastfeed.  I was thinking about donating it to a shelter or somewhere but someone said I can sell it on Ebay or somewhere. 

Is this Kosher - as in can i sell it ... It would offset the cost of buying the new formula?  Seems odd to me  but mor ein the sens that I would never buy formula off if e-bay .. but would I ???


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Re: Formula Sales

  • OK wow .. I just checked out EBAY and looked at all the formula people are selling and buying OMG !!!!
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  • I know people do it all the time, but IMO?  Too much work!

    I just donated to another MoM here, most would be more than happy to pay for shipping!

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  • I buy half of my formula on ebay. Neosure by Similac is stinking expensive and a hot ticket item on ebay. There are ridiculous amount of bidders for it online.
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  • I have sold formula on ebay before.  As long as it isnt opened or expired (common since).  I just got a flat rate shippng box to ship it.  Plus, you can print the shipping label right off of ebay, ready to go for you!


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