Canada Babies

Yay Canadian Board

Hey ladies, I've been here for the past few months. I have been on the TTGP board. I didn't know there was a board for Canadians! I'm from Southern Ontario. Just got married 2ish months ago. DH and I are waiting to TTC till after our honeymoon that is planned for November. Looking forward to getting to know all the Canadians out there in the bump world!!



Re: Yay Canadian Board

  • Yay! lol also from Southwestern Ontario, married 1 year just started TTC this cycle
  • imagerocky_star:
    Yay! lol also from Southwestern Ontario, married 1 year just started TTC this cycle

    Hey you look familiar Wink


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  • imagemegs2011:

    Yay! lol also from Southwestern Ontario, married 1 year just started TTC this cycle

    Hey you look familiar Wink

    I'm stalking you a bit. Embarrassed

  • Yay for stalking!

    Hi, I'm raynes, and I like red wine, reading books and long walks on the beach.  Wink

    My H and I will have been married for 2 years on the 29th and we started TTC just a few months ago.  I choose to hangout on TTGP because 1) I post on TN and don't really want the fact that I'm having LOTS OF SEX broadcasted over there because I sort of find it weird, 2) I needed somewhere to talk about the craziness/madness that is TTC, and 3) it's rather entertaining.

    Oh yeah, and I live in Hamilton.  I grew up in Burlington, went to uni in Waterloo (UW) and my H is from a small town 30 min east of Peterborough.  His BFF lives in Oshawa, so we spend a lot of time driving across Toronto!

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  • imagerocky_star:

    Yay! lol also from Southwestern Ontario, married 1 year just started TTC this cycle

    Hey you look familiar Wink

    I'm stalking you a bit. Embarrassed

    I feel flattered Smile


  • I guess I could get more detailed with my intro.. lol


    I wanted to keep the whole TTC a secret from family/friends because I want to avoid all of the interrogation lol "are you pregnant yet?" ever since we got married I hear it constantly so I'm trying to keep it a secret for as long as possible.. Hence me posting on The Bump so I have people to talk to about it but no one that I have to deal with in real life LOL

  • I feel you about the constant "are you pregnant yet?" questioning. Before we got married, the parents were asking. Now that we have gotten married, the family is in full force and now the friends are starting to ask. If my stomach hurts or I don't feel like drinking.. I am obviously pregnant right? geez lol I kind of wish we hadn't told people we are looking to seriously start in November.


  • I hear ya. When I have news for my BFF and say "guess what!" she always replies "you're pregnant!".. geeeeez lol the other day I told her I had to go to walmart and she asked if it was because I needed to buy a HPT! So I will just keep it to myself until I get a BFP.. even then I was thinking about keeping it a secret until past 3 months, just because it's my first pregnancy and such.

    My DH said to me at lunch - "why do you go on that board?" I said "because I know you don't want to hear me obsessing about babies all the time and we aren't telling anyone else!!" LOL

  • As a side note.. I find it funny that the 4 of us who are chatty are within 1.5hr of each other.. all down the 403 Wink
  • Yeah, I had to tell MIL and the other ILs that every time they asked when we were going to have kids that I'd tack another month or so onto the timeline.  It'll happen when it happens.  However, it's hard to not say something now that we're trying.  H keeps spilling the beans to our friends.

    Also?  10 DPO is  I want to test.  RIGHT NOW, but I know H would be crushed if I got a BFP and he wasn't there with me, so, I wait until tomorrow.  Gah.

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  • 10?! Lucky you. According to calendar I am 1 DPO.. I am going to go crazy for the next 2 weeks lol at least if I get a BFN I have an open bar wedding next weekend in Toronto where I plan on getting intoxicated. lol
  • We're supposed to be going camping just south of Sauble this weekend with our friends and their various children (1.5-3 y/o's) so if I get my BFP I'll have to either fake drink (water in a vodka mickey?) or spill the beans.  Or, AF shows and I get plastered.
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  • imageraynes:
    We're supposed to be going camping just south of Sauble this weekend with our friends and their various children (1.5-3 y/o's) so if I get my BFP I'll have to either fake drink (water in a vodka mickey?) or spill the beans.  Or, AF shows and I get plastered.

    LOL! I kept thinking about what I would tell my family if i wasn't drinking at the wedding.. or just fake drink water or pop all night and claim there was alcohol mixed in.

  • I am going to a open bar wedding next weekend too! In Port Colborne though.

    You could always do the fake drink thing, or say you're the DD tonight and that's the reason you aren't drinking. Only thing with the fake drink is you have to make sure no one sees you are only getting pop or water. At my wedding, they gave you the booze in a cup and you poured in your own mix.


  • imageraynes:

    Yeah, I had to tell MIL and the other ILs that every time they asked when we were going to have kids that I'd tack another month or so onto the timeline.  It'll happen when it happens.  However, it's hard to not say something now that we're trying.  H keeps spilling the beans to our friends.

    Also?  10 DPO is  I want to test.  RIGHT NOW, but I know H would be crushed if I got a BFP and he wasn't there with me, so, I wait until tomorrow.  Gah.

    Wait!! you can do it!!!

    I'm gonna be good and wait till I'm actually late when we start actively trying. Well I hope I can wait lol


  • imagerocky_star:
    As a side note.. I find it funny that the 4 of us who are chatty are within 1.5hr of each other.. all down the 403 Wink

    That's pretty sweet!


  • I drink "mixed" drinks and I fill a vodka bottle with water and pretend to add the "vodka" to my cranberry/orange juice. Works like a charm. I just make sure no one uses my "vodka" lol


    I'm Karrotelle, but you can call me Karrot (everyone does). I live in Brantford, Ontario with my lovely hubby and our Australian Multi-Gen Labradoodle, his names Nova. He's our only pet (if you don't count the fish in our pond) and he's spoiled rotten. He's the love of my life and DH knows it Stick out tongue We have a house and we spend pretty much all our free time fixing it up (its oldddddd). What else? Oh, I'm 26 and DH is 29. We got married Sept 19, 2009 and we're about to celebrate 2 years next month! (Yay us!). Andddd we're about ready to have a damn baby!

    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imagemegs2011:

    As a side note.. I find it funny that the 4 of us who are chatty are within 1.5hr of each other.. all down the 403 Wink

    That's pretty sweet!


    *gasp* A Bump meeting!?!?! Yes

    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageKarrotelle:

    He's our only pet (if you don't count the fish in our pond) and he's spoiled rotten. He's the love of my life and DH knows it Stick out tongue

    Hahaha that's the same with me! My dog is my baby, he's so spoiled (90lb lap dog). Sometimes I feel guilty about bringing a baby into the house lol

  • Oh, and I'm 26 as well.. DH will be 31 this year!
  • imagerocky_star:

    He's our only pet (if you don't count the fish in our pond) and he's spoiled rotten. He's the love of my life and DH knows it Stick out tongue

    Hahaha that's the same with me! My dog is my baby, he's so spoiled (90lb lap dog). Sometimes I feel guilty about bringing a baby into the house lol


    Me too! I babysat my nephew who is 2 months old, and Nova was incredibly jealous when I held the baby and "baby talked" to him. Confused Kinda has me worried. He's a big suck too and thinks he's a lap dog (he's 75 pounds) and he gets so upset if I don't let him "snuggle" with me in my lap. It'll be hard for him to adjust for sure.

    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm generally down for GTGs.  I've done a few of those in my time and haven't been made into a skin suit yet.


    Oh, and I'm 27 and H is 28!  We have 2 cats.  They are our fur babies.

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  • imageraynes:

    I'm generally down for GTGs.  I've done a few of those in my time and haven't been made into a skin suit yet.


    Oh, and I'm 27 and H is 28!  We have 2 cats.  They are our fur babies.


    Haha!! I know what you mean though.

    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageKarrotelle:

    I drink "mixed" drinks and I fill a vodka bottle with water and pretend to add the "vodka" to my cranberry/orange juice. Works like a charm. I just make sure no one uses my "vodka" lol


    I'm Karrotelle, but you can call me Karrot (everyone does). I live in Brantford, Ontario with my lovely hubby and our Australian Multi-Gen Labradoodle, his names Nova. He's our only pet (if you don't count the fish in our pond) and he's spoiled rotten. He's the love of my life and DH knows it Stick out tongue We have a house and we spend pretty much all our free time fixing it up (its oldddddd). What else? Oh, I'm 26 and DH is 29. We got married Sept 19, 2009 and we're about to celebrate 2 years next month! (Yay us!). Andddd we're about ready to have a damn baby!

    Same as DH and I!! Nice to "meet" you Karrot! :)


  • imagemegs2011:

    I drink "mixed" drinks and I fill a vodka bottle with water and pretend to add the "vodka" to my cranberry/orange juice. Works like a charm. I just make sure no one uses my "vodka" lol


    I'm Karrotelle, but you can call me Karrot (everyone does). I live in Brantford, Ontario with my lovely hubby and our Australian Multi-Gen Labradoodle, his names Nova. He's our only pet (if you don't count the fish in our pond) and he's spoiled rotten. He's the love of my life and DH knows it Stick out tongue We have a house and we spend pretty much all our free time fixing it up (its oldddddd). What else? Oh, I'm 26 and DH is 29. We got married Sept 19, 2009 and we're about to celebrate 2 years next month! (Yay us!). Andddd we're about ready to have a damn baby!

    Same as DH and I!! Nice to "meet" you Karrot! :)


    You too! Awweee this board is so nice lol

    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • It's kind of nice to get away from the TTGP board, this one is much calmer.. lol
  • imageKarrotelle:

    You too! Awweee this board is so nice lol

    Uhhhh, duh, are are Canadian, aren't we?  Stick out tongue

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  • True enough, eh!

     This board is less dramatic lol We don't get newbs creating drama in here by the looks of things and I'm okay with that.

    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Lots of posters from Southern Ontario!  I'm from Niagara Falls, but we live in Saskatchewan now.
    Previously known as *Scuzzlebutt*

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  • imageEmma53104:
    Lots of posters from Southern Ontario!  I'm from Niagara Falls, but we live in Saskatchewan now.


    I love Niagara. To call it beautiful would be an understatement. DH and I spend a lot of time there in the summer. We're actually doing a Wine Tour at Peller Estates next month for our anniversary, hitting up Casino Niagara and having dinner at Brasa Brazillian Steakhouse. Never been but heard lots of good things!

    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I love Niagara also.. St. Catharine's has been my 2nd home for a long time (family living there). We had our bachelor/bachelorette parties in Niagara Falls (BIG DISASTER!) haha but always end up spending lots of money at the outlet mall..
  • imageKarrotelle:

    Lots of posters from Southern Ontario!  I'm from Niagara Falls, but we live in Saskatchewan now.


    I love Niagara. To call it beautiful would be an understatement. DH and I spend a lot of time there in the summer. We're actually doing a Wine Tour at Peller Estates next month for our anniversary, hitting up Casino Niagara and having dinner at Brasa Brazillian Steakhouse. Never been but heard lots of good things!

    If you like meat, check out Copacabana in Niagara Falls. They rotisserie all the meat and cut it off onto your plate.


  • imageraynes:

    You too! Awweee this board is so nice lol

    Uhhhh, duh, are are Canadian, aren't we?  Stick out tongue

    Agree! Definitely better eh?


  • imagemegs2011:

    Lots of posters from Southern Ontario!  I'm from Niagara Falls, but we live in Saskatchewan now.


    I love Niagara. To call it beautiful would be an understatement. DH and I spend a lot of time there in the summer. We're actually doing a Wine Tour at Peller Estates next month for our anniversary, hitting up Casino Niagara and having dinner at Brasa Brazillian Steakhouse. Never been but heard lots of good things!

    If you like meat, check out Copacabana in Niagara Falls. They rotisserie all the meat and cut it off onto your plate.


    That sounds like what I was told Brasa does too, but I will definitely check it out. DH is a Meat Eater for sure so if he caught wind of ANOTHER place that serves meat that way, I'll never have to cook again lol

    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageKarrotelle:

    Lots of posters from Southern Ontario!  I'm from Niagara Falls, but we live in Saskatchewan now.


    I love Niagara. To call it beautiful would be an understatement. DH and I spend a lot of time there in the summer. We're actually doing a Wine Tour at Peller Estates next month for our anniversary, hitting up Casino Niagara and having dinner at Brasa Brazillian Steakhouse. Never been but heard lots of good things!

    I'm not a huge meat eater. I eat chicken and pork. The best though is the pineapple that they cover with cinnamon and roast on a rotisserie... I take the inner part (bc I dont like cinnamon) and its sooo yummy... so sweet and juicy.

    If you like meat, check out Copacabana in Niagara Falls. They rotisserie all the meat and cut it off onto your plate.


    That sounds like what I was told Brasa does too, but I will definitely check it out. DH is a Meat Eater for sure so if he caught wind of ANOTHER place that serves meat that way, I'll never have to cook again lol


  • I miss Niagara so much.  I was born in the Falls, raised in Niagara-on-the-Lake, and DH & I moved back to the Falls for a few years after we were married.  Our daughter was born there.  I would love to move back home!

    Oh, and I have never eaten so much meat in my life as I did the one time we went to Copacabana in NF.  I swear, I didn't eat again for 4 days after that!!

    Previously known as *Scuzzlebutt*

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  • imageEmma53104:

    I miss Niagara so much.  I was born in the Falls, raised in Niagara-on-the-Lake, and DH & I moved back to the Falls for a few years after we were married.  Our daughter was born there.  I would love to move back home!

    Oh, and I have never eaten so much meat in my life as I did the one time we went to Copacabana in NF.  I swear, I didn't eat again for 4 days after that!!

    Dh was at Brasa (which I understand is the same concept as Copa) and he said the same thing. He ate so much meat and didn't eat the next day he was so full. 

    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • This whole discussion is making me very hungry, and I still cannot figure out what to make for dinner! I'm going to have to wander around the store after work until I feel inspired lol Sad
  • Awe I hear you! I decided on what to make for dinner when I get home, now it's just a matter of getting the motivation to actually make it once I'm home.
    Me: 32 / H: 35
    Married 9-19-2009
    Baby Karrot 1.0 - 6.18.2012 - She's here! Via C-section @ 38 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 2.0 -
    6.25.2015 - He's here! Via VBAC @ 36 weeks.
    Baby Karrot 3.0 - 3.9.2017 - BFP @ 9 DPO! EDD 11.20.2017 
    Pregnancy Ticker
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