I am more of a lurker on this board, but thought I would ask here too:
The fancy brand of cloth nappies here in NZ are the itti bittis. They are gorgeous minky and lovely to touch/look at. I have 4 of them that I am using and 4 of them still looking beautiful in the courier box...my issue: they are leaking after 2 hours of use. Boo.
So, I found out that Jillian's Drawers will ship to NZ for a pretty decent price, so I am hoping to get a few different brands and try them out, then possibly stock up whilst I am back in CA visiting in a couple months.
What are your favorite brands? I know bumGenius is huge there...there is only a few suppliers for BG here, so they tend to be on the expensive side of the spectrum. What about Happy Heiny's and Fuzzibunz? Not sure if it matters, but I am more looking for a OSFA type for my 22 pound 5 month old DS. Pockets or AIO doesn't particularly matter to me.
Cheers for the suggestions/opinions.
Re: xp: fave CDs?
BGs seem to be more universal in fit for all babies.
FB are hit or miss. People either love them or hate them.
HH get sort of a "meh" response from most people.
Married 6/6/09
DS 5/11/11
DD 9/13/13
I really like my BGs and if I could only have one dipe that would be it, but I am loving my Knickernappies right now. I love the way they snap and fit.