Eco-Friendly Family

Cross Post - Eco-Friendly Hangers - Use Them?

I am curious to know if you use or would use an eco-friendly hanger? What brand? How much? What would you be willing to pay for them? What would you use them for besides clothing items? Just trying to see what other think about them. Trying to decide if I should purchase some. Thanks!!!  

Re: Cross Post - Eco-Friendly Hangers - Use Them?

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    So, by EF Hangers do you mean like a bamboo type or fabric? Linky please I want to see these. I hate my plastic ones... This is huge investment though b/c they can be so pricey but last forever (right?).
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    So, by EF Hangers do you mean like a bamboo type or fabric? Linky please I want to see these. I hate my plastic ones... This is huge investment though b/c they can be so pricey but last forever (right?).

     I am working with a client who has EF Hangers. They are not wire or plastic. I will private message you with details once they are available for purchase. I am super excited. I am just trying to understand how else people use hangers and how they could impact a household.  

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    Wouldn't it be more EF to get some used dry cleaner hangers for free off CL?  Not to mention tons cheaper........
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    Honestly, unless you have no hangers or are adding to your collection, this seems kind of un-ecofriendly to me. We've got a mound of plastic that's been used in our closet (and a few wooden one's here and there). I'm not concerned that my clothes with absorb the plastic in between hangings, so aside from aesthetics it seems silly. I'm big on organic and no bpa and pay attention to what fabric our clothes are made with, but I'm not really sold on this one.

    I guess it also depends on what you're going to do with the old hangers. Ie. I'm picturing tons of people running to the store to buy "eco-friendly hangers" and then coming home and throwing the plastic ones in the trash. Does Goodwill accept hangers?

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