Pregnant after 35

Belly sensitivity

Hello ladies!  I'm 37, 10 weeks along, second baby for me.  I don't remember this with the first (7 yrs ago) but my belly is so sensitive...anyone else?  I don't like anyone, even dd, touching my stomach and it constantly feels "funny." 

 Of course I'm wondering if some of what I'm feeling right now is flutters...when does that start?  Or is it just gas? LOL.  I swear I have to burp every five seconds!! What is that about??

Re: Belly sensitivity

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    Lol!  I hear ya!  My belly just felt weird and I didn't want it touched when I was 1st tri too.  Personally I felt flutters around 13wks I think (pregnancy brain has struck big time lately); however since it's not your first, you could notice them sooner.  And yeah...the gas...oh man the gas.  We could burp frat boys under the table.  Lol!  **facepalms**  That did improve for me a bit, but not a lot unfortunately.
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    I was a big gassy mess until about 12 weeks along.  And it had to come out one way or the other - burping seemed like the lesser of two evils. 

    The flutters you are feeling may be your uterus expanding.  I asked my midwife if what I was feeling during first tri was movement, but she was pretty dismissive of that idea and gave me the uterus expansion explanation.  

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