1st Trimester

Soo Hungry, thought of food makes me wanna gag!

So, Its a little after 4am and I am soo hungry! But the thought of food makes me wanna gag! I dont actually feel nauseous, and this happens to me mainly during the early day until like the afternoon. What is up with this? This isnt morning sickness is it? I mean I dont actually throw up or anything. Thanks! :)

Re: Soo Hungry, thought of food makes me wanna gag!

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    Last pregnancy, my morning sickness was all nausea and no vomit.  This time, it's been mostly just the hunger issue, but a little bit of feeling sick to go along with it.  It's possible that this is it for you.  I'd recommend trying to eat something neutral (like a graham cracker or saltines or something). 

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    This is exactly how I felt during my last pregnancy.  I would be so hungry but the thought of any food put me over the edge!  I just called it nausea not really morning sickness.  I have been feeling the same way this time except way closer to puking.

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    I 100% feel your pain!! 

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    You don't have to toss cookies for it to count as morning sickness.  I lump a couple things under that heading.....how everything tastes weird and nothing sounds appealing right now, but I'm still hungry......but yet......still nauseous.

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    That is exactly how I feel! My stomach always feels like it's growling, but food just doesn't sound appealing. And when i do eat, that empty feeling comes back in my stomach in about 30 minutes! It's a little frustrating!
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    You have what I have.. "mid-day sickness" lol. Yes, it's "morning sickness". You don't actually need to throw up for it to be morning sickness. For the past week I wake up in the morning a little blah feeling, I feel like my tummy is in a knot..and I have absolutely NO appetite, but I know I need to eat or else I won't feel better. Then, during the day it continues, I feel so nauseous but I don't actually throw up (however sometimes I feel if I did, I'd feel better, lol)

    Eat some crackers when you first wake up, it puts something "solid" in your tummy and helps prevent you from feeling sick. Try and eat. Tell yourself your baby needs it although you don't feel you can stomach it. :)
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    Thanks ladies! Glad to hear I am not the only one who feels this way! I thought something was wrong with me! This is my first pregnancy and I was expecting to either be throwing up or to be eating everything in sight! haha. Didnt think I would feel this way. So last night at a little after 4am, I had two pieces of toast and my husband ran to the gas station for some sprite. My stomach felt like it was on fire! Im sure from being empty. And after I ate and drank something I felt waaay better! :) 
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    I was just telling my husband today, I'm hungry and the thought of anything in the fridge makes me want to puke. We ended up going out for egg & bacon on a bagel. Now dinner's approaching and it's the same conundrum.
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    Lol, join the club! Exactly like you say, sometimes the very though makes me sick, much less the smell. I guess there's nothing to do but wait it out :/
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