Baby Names

Four Names?

Have any of you given your children four names? First, Second, Third, Last? Has it been annoying or problematic in any way? Do others find it obnoxious?
Missed m/c found @ 10 weeks - May 2010
Missed m/c found @ 10.5 weeks - August 2012

Re: Four Names?

  • I'm curious what experiences are with this as well. It's a tradition in my DH's family to do this, and I haven't done it with the first three and was considering it for #4.

    I don't see how this could be annoying or problematic, but I'd still like to hear opinions. Great question!

    ~ Married 14 years and counting ~
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  • One of my bosses had four names like that.  She gave her daughter four (long!) names.  I also know a few Mary-Somethings MiddleName LastNames.  I think the only problems come in with fill-in-the box forms.  There is never enough room, and most people I know generally drop one of the names to fit.

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  • I was given four names, a first, two middles and a last.  It was never a problem for me.  I used the first letter of my first middle name for anything that asked for "middle initial." 

    When I got married I took my husband's last name and kept the rest.  So now I have five names, and it hasn't been a big deal at all.

  • I just don't get why it is necessary. Is anyone ever going to actually call you by all 4+ names? 


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  • imageSassyRedhead:

    I just don't get why it is necessary. Is anyone ever going to actually call you by all 4+ names? 


    For me it's not that it's necessary. It's just one way to help DH feel like his culture and family is being represented in our children. It's part of a long running tradition (going back to the 1700s according to the genealogy) in his side of the family. I didn't know it was tradition until now. If I had, I might have done it for the first three.

    ~ Married 14 years and counting ~
    Chandler 11/2000 ~ Bronwyn 6/2002 ~ Grayson 3/2010 ~ Matilda/Till 6/2012
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    BFP 10/20/11 ::sticky dust::
    BFP 9/11/11 - m/c 9/25/11 5w5d
  • Both of my children have "double middles". It allowed me to get in all the names in the flow I wanted.

    THe only problem I've experienced is my DS's middle names have so many letters, that on his Social Security card it drops one letter- which changes the name from Christian to Christia! I've yet had a chance to go up to the SS office and see what can be done (maybe run together names with no space) but I hope to do so at some point.

  • I havnt name my childern four names and im not playing on too. But I have four names which i find very useless b/c without a doubt I trully dont use my middle names. So its like a useless point lol.. Foreal SMH..
  • I love double middle names! I would totally do it if DH would ever agree to it. I don't think there's anything arrogant about it. I once babysat a boy with two middle names and if anything he thought he was extra special for it.
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  • imageTruN:
    I havnt name my childern four names and im not playing on too. But I have four names which i find very useless b/c without a doubt I trully dont use my middle names. So its like a useless point lol.. Foreal SMH..



    between the spelling and the font...what?!

  • Yes, my daughter has 4 names.  I can't have any more children, and I wanted my only child to share my heritage and unique last name.  I use only the first initial of the first midlle name on forms (First M. Last).

    As for the opinion of others, outside of my parents and DH, I don't think anyone else knows! I did not print it on birth announcements, etc.  

    Her name flows:

    First Middle Maiden Last 

  • I think that we will give this baby four names, if you count a hyphenated last name as two names. So she'll be First Middle MyLast-HusbandsLast. I don't think it's too much, but I'm not anticipating that she'll use her middle name much. 

    I guess it all depends on your reasoning for having 4 names. There are probably a number of compelling reasons to do it. 

  • imageoliversbear:

    One of my bosses had four names like that.  She gave her daughter four (long!) names.  I also know a few Mary-Somethings MiddleName LastNames.  I think the only problems come in with fill-in-the box forms.  There is never enough room, and most people I know generally drop one of the names to fit.

    If this baby is a girl she'll be a Mary-Something MiddleName Lastname.

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  • Jackson Cole Francis Z** is my ds!  We love his name!  I think it sounds very presidential or something.  Jackson is my dad's mn, francis is DH's dads mn. We wanted him to have two middle names because both of us do.  Dh because he was adopted, and me because I kept my maiden with my middle!  All our future boys with have two middle names.  We decided not to do that with girls so that if they want to keep their maiden name like I did they can!  I found it really nice to be able to honor two family members.  I am a little worried about the next one since I would like the names to have the same flow..HTH
  • DS is Landon Jace Eugene W.  I wanted my son to have my initials (JLW) but I liked the flow of Landon Jace better.  Eugene is my dad's name.  My older sister was raised by my dad but still has a close relationship with her dad.  She included her dad's name when naming her son and planned on doing the same for my dad but then had a girl next.  So I did it 14 years later.  I wouldn't do that to my daughters so the name won't be too long after marriage.
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  • imageSassyRedhead:

    I just don't get why it is necessary. Is anyone ever going to actually call you by all 4+ names? 



     In the situation I am thinking about most or all of the names would be used at different times. The three names would include two Hebrew names (which are used) and one name we either love love love or a non-Jewish family name (depending on girl or boy). So yeah, the names would be used except maybe one which is a family name. 

    Missed m/c found @ 10 weeks - May 2010
    Missed m/c found @ 10.5 weeks - August 2012
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