Eco-Friendly Family

~~**Weekly Green Bean Check In**~~

YAY for EFF babies!!!!

mommy2b08 Baby Girl 6.28.11
MeggyJ Jasper Legend 6.20.11
PinkPearlGirl Eleanor 6.17.11
aschleser Claire Elizabeth 5.17.11
KidsRN Emanuel Ricardo 4.19.11
alirebco Lillian Paloma 4.1.11
SouthSideDrea Henry William 4.6.11
jennterrell Mae Aspen 3.24.11
Satreece McMillan Michael 3.27.11
Danaann78 Piper Brooke 3.20.11
Joes_Love Darcy Noelle 3.9.11
Runnergirl Noah Gabriel 3.4.11
LuvlieK Cove Henry 2.24.11
Papagena Connor Aiden 2.16.11
daenikoffre Oliver Indigo 1.14.11
AppleMomma Rebecca 1.11.11

Toren Joseph 1.9.11

sophabelle         Ava            7.30.11

Am I missing anyone? Updates?

If you've had your baby and have a birth story, please post a link and I'll hyperlink it to your name.


Update everyone on your pregnancy :)

New appointment? Ultrasound? Buy a new item for baby? Whatever you'd like to share.

Here's a list of our pregnant members, in order of due date:


8.2.11 BABY mantle
8.20.11 BABY genevieved
8.29.11 GIRL livalil319


9.1.11 BOY MissyOlivePants
9.10.11 JosephsSweetie
9.21.11 GIRL CeltiCutie
9.26.11 BOY daisygirl
9.28.11 BOY Dork_Fish


10.3.11 dadonet


11.12.11 BOY Lotte134
11.13.11 BOY crackerjackprinter


12.5.11 BABY InfamousQBert


1.16.12 textbookcase
1.31.12 GeekMom


2.25.12 Ashawee127

Congratulations to everyone!

If you would like to be added, please post your due date, gender if you know it, guess if you would like, and please also let me know if you plan on staying on team green :)

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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Re: ~~**Weekly Green Bean Check In**~~

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    YAY! After our little lull there, we should be seeing some EFF'ing babies soon! ;)

    I am doing ok. Nothing too exciting to report. Baby is still breech. I'm getting a bit nervous and discouraged, but trying to just hope the Webster and other little tricks will work.

    I got to spend time w/ my 8 week old nephew yesterday and realized just how hard it's going to be with a 2.5 y/o and a newborn. Addison was great w/ him but very interested in breast feeding "what you doiiiiing?" she kept asking my sister in law. "where baby Joe?" LOL So I know she's gonna be up in my business on that one when she can really see what is going on... And when he fell asleep on me and I was lucky enough that Addison was napping I realized I am going to probably miss a lot of the NB "snuggly" time and instead have the new baby in the Moby or Ergo so I can run around after Addy. Made me a little sad. But I'm excited for LO to come too! :)  

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    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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    baby ava was born 7/30 :-)

    here's my birth story from my local board

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    baby ava was born 7/30 :-)

    here's my birth story from my local board


    Awesome! Thanks! I updated. Congrats on your beautiful baby girl!

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    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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    Well we had out 14 week appointment last week and my Dr said that I'm measuring on time! I haven't gained any weight, other than what I lost in the first tri. Also baby's hb was 160! We find out what sex we're having on September 17th! I wish it was earlier, but they only do mornings and Saturdays and I don't get vacation or sick days.
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    Well we had out 14 week appointment last week and my Dr said that I'm measuring on time! I haven't gained any weight, other than what I lost in the first tri. Also baby's hb was 160! We find out what sex we're having on September 17th! I wish it was earlier, but they only do mornings and Saturdays and I don't get vacation or sick days.


    how exciting! Definitely stinks waiting but it's worth it! :) Jealous of your no weight gain yet. ;)  

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    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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    Everything is going good here. We have another growth scan Thursday since he's still measuring 2 weeks ahead. I'm going to talk to her and see what she's thinking as far as his due date goes so I can try and keep my bosses up to date.

    Sometime in the next month, I need to get the courage to talk to my boss about pumping at work. I mainly work with a bunch of guys so I guess that's why I feel weird about it.. The only place I could possibly do it is the conference room, unless they want to install blinds in my boss' wife's office - which I'm not sure they'd be willing to do - so we'll see how that goes.

    Mom to:
    Miles (6 year old Maine C00n mix), Boots (5 year old Lab mix), Darla (4 year old GSD/Collie mix), Frankie (1.5 year old DSH mix), Peanut (15 months old - 09/11), and Bean (arriving Feb 2013).
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    Well we had out 14 week appointment last week and my Dr said that I'm measuring on time! I haven't gained any weight, other than what I lost in the first tri. Also baby's hb was 160! We find out what sex we're having on September 17th! I wish it was earlier, but they only do mornings and Saturdays and I don't get vacation or sick days.


    how exciting! Definitely stinks waiting but it's worth it! :) Jealous of your no weight gain yet. ;)  


    i shouldnt have said anything! i gained 2 lbs :( 

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