
Reflux Moms?

Hi Ladies,

My LO was on Zantac for a week and then the Pedi decided to switch him to Prevacid.  It's been six days, and I don't notice a huge difference.  He still cries after more than half of his feeds, and I can hear the milk washing back up as he chokes it back down. 

We were given the okay to try rice cereal to help weigh the milk down, but I'm wondering if anyone has had better luck with Zantac vs. Prevacid as far as reducing the discomfort/pain of the reflux?  Or does Prevacid just need more time? 

I know the only 'cure' is his system maturing, but it's heart wrenching to see him in pain after every bottle.  Being a preemie, he's already struggled and come so far.  I just want him to be as comfortable and happy as possible until he can grow out of his reflux. TIA!


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Re: Reflux Moms?

  • I would push for another dose or a different med. We started out on Zantac as well (I think 1-2 weeks) and didn't see any improvement, so then we switched to Prevacid. It took about 4 days to see improvement, but when it did, it was nothing short of miraculous. She went from crying all the time and sleeping very little to sleeping through the night and being a happy, smiley baby. There should be something out there to help him, if this med doesn't do it, keep trying!
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  • imageShannonSky:
    I would push for another dose or a different med. We started out on Zantac as well (I think 1-2 weeks) and didn't see any improvement, so then we switched to Prevacid. It took about 4 days to see improvement, but when it did, it was nothing short of miraculous. She went from crying all the time and sleeping very little to sleeping through the night and being a happy, smiley baby. There should be something out there to help him, if this med doesn't do it, keep trying!

    This was our experience too. However, they did tell us that the Prevacid can take up to 2 weeks to fully work so you may have to wait til then. DD is also on bethanochol to help her stomach empty faster. The two combined seem to be our answer. 

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  • LO was moved to either Prevacid or Prilosec in June and it made him so uncomfortable.  He had five days of diarrhea so we took him off it and moved him back to Zantac.  I'd read it could take up to two weeks for the med change to take effect but we didn't have that kind of time due to the diarrhea.

    Try the rice - that really helps my LO.


  • My twins were on BOTH zantac and prevacid.  They also got rice in their bottles and were on Nutramigen formula.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
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