we had it at home. it had been in the fridge for a few days longer than it probably should have, but still looked and tasted fine. C and S were sick too, but not throwing up. that is the only thing that all of us ate. I didn't want the chicken we had for dinner that night. I just ate the baked spud and the corn. C ate everything and S only ate the corn and the chicken. the corn is the obvious culprit!?
Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10)
Doctor in training!
it must be the corn. I am a lunatic about throwing things out. s ate crap at mil's house that had a sell by date of 10/9 and she said "it's fresh it's fresh it's not bad." I don't know how he wasn't sick. I didn't even eat that stuff. I had 1 hot dog and was sick for a few hours after. puke as it is, we bring our own food when we go there.
Re: NPR: I think my food poisoning is DONE!
where did you eat? so glad that you feel better!
Oh no, that totally sucks!
Glad you're finally getting better!
Me with my littlest.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
it must be the corn. I am a lunatic about throwing things out. s ate crap at mil's house that had a sell by date of 10/9 and she said "it's fresh it's fresh it's not bad." I don't know how he wasn't sick. I didn't even eat that stuff. I had 1 hot dog and was sick for a few hours after. puke as it is, we bring our own food when we go there.