
Photos in the NICU

Sophia Elizabeth born at 28 weeks, 6 days. Weighing 3lbs, 3oz and 15 1/8" long. SS Photography blue petti
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image

Re: Photos in the NICU

  • Sorry the photos did not show up in the Post.  




    Sophia Elizabeth born at 28 weeks, 6 days. Weighing 3lbs, 3oz and 15 1/8" long. SS Photography blue petti
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • Our NICU had a group of volunteer photographers that met weekly. They would take pictures of any baby whose parents requested it as long as there was a signed release in the charts. Then they would make cute little scrapbook pages with the best ones and give us a CD with all the photos from the day. It was really cool, especially for parents who couldn't be there all the time to take their own pictures. They also offered time for parents to come work on scrapbooks together. I never went because it always seemed to conflict with C's care but the moms who went were a really great support for each other.

    I also had a friend who is a photographer come and take pictures while we were in the NICU. 

    It would be great if you could offer that to other parents. You may want to look into some kind of photo release or something. Cool idea!

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  • I took TONS of photos in NICU, but I didn't see others doing that. We were in two NICUs. The second one it seemed like others did - it was a childrens hospital, so a different vibe entirely.

    We used this volunteer group of photographers (Lora Carr, Phila. area) while we were there. She told me that almost every professional infant/child photographer will take complimentary photographs - that just because they aren't on this list doesn't mean they won't; you just have to inquire/send them a note/ask. Anyway -

    It's a great idea if it's something you want to do! I don't think a lot of people think it's even possible - I didn't until someone posted about Pictures of Hope on here.

  • imageurbanflowerpot:

    I took TONS of photos in NICU, but I didn't see others doing that. We were in two NICUs. The second one it seemed like others did - it was a childrens hospital, so a different vibe entirely.

    We used this volunteer group of photographers (Lora Carr, Phila. area) while we were there. She told me that almost every professional infant/child photographer will take complimentary photographs - that just because they aren't on this list doesn't mean they won't; you just have to inquire/send them a note/ask. Anyway -

    It's a great idea if it's something you want to do! I don't think a lot of people think it's even possible - I didn't until someone posted about Pictures of Hope on here.

    I knew about Pictures of Hope.  There were no photographers in the area, so I contacted the ones listed in surrounding areas, but nobody was willing to come to our NICU.  I contacted a couple of local photographers not listed, but they required more advanced notice or lots of money.    

    Sophia Elizabeth born at 28 weeks, 6 days. Weighing 3lbs, 3oz and 15 1/8" long. SS Photography blue petti
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • I took a ton of photos and I saw a lot of the parents around me doing the same.  My NICU also had a staff member who worked as a parent mentor and ran the parent connection program.  She was also a professional photographer and she would take photos of the babies for free several times a year- a summer session, Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Spring, etc.  We were there long enough to get the summer session and the Halloween session.  However she also did a special 'newborn' session for my son on his due date.  His nurses took him off his cannula and put him on blow-by for the photos so he would look like a normal baby.  You can't even tell they were taken in the hospital- I love them!
    TTC with unexplained IF since 8/2007 6 losses, one beautiful perfect boy in our arms Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • imageRachie_B:

    It's a great idea if it's something you want to do! I don't think a lot of people think it's even possible - I didn't until someone posted about Pictures of Hope on here.

    I knew about Pictures of Hope.  There were no photographers in the area, so I contacted the ones listed in surrounding areas, but nobody was willing to come to our NICU.  I contacted a couple of local photographers not listed, but they required more advanced notice or lots of money.    

    Our NICU had a service that would come and do it - of course I thought the price for the pictures afterwards was ridiculous.  We only used them Kevin's last day in the NICU and he was a hot mess for the photographer - and the photographer had no patience for him.  Not the best experience but I'm sure that was a one off situation.

    I commend you for even considering offering this for your NICU!  It will be such a treasure for the families.

  • We took tons of photos in the NICU since we were there for 4 months. Three years later, it is still hard for me to look at those photos which is why I haven't scrapbooked any of them yet.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • We took pictures but were cautious about it due to infection control measures.

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  • imageRachie_B:

    I took TONS of photos in NICU, but I didn't see others doing that. We were in two NICUs. The second one it seemed like others did - it was a childrens hospital, so a different vibe entirely.

    We used this volunteer group of photographers (Lora Carr, Phila. area) while we were there. She told me that almost every professional infant/child photographer will take complimentary photographs - that just because they aren't on this list doesn't mean they won't; you just have to inquire/send them a note/ask. Anyway -

    It's a great idea if it's something you want to do! I don't think a lot of people think it's even possible - I didn't until someone posted about Pictures of Hope on here.

    I knew about Pictures of Hope.  There were no photographers in the area, so I contacted the ones listed in surrounding areas, but nobody was willing to come to our NICU.  I contacted a couple of local photographers not listed, but they required more advanced notice or lots of money.    

    I'm disappointed to hear that! What a bummer.

    Oh, and while on topic of pictures, none of the nurses told me never to use flash!!!! I didn't instinctively because I didn't want to be taking 100 photos with 100 flashes, but I did use it a few times. They need a comprehensive guide to NICU. Maybe that will be my submission to NICU culture ;)

  • imageurbanflowerpot:

     She told me that almost every professional infant/child photographer will take complimentary photographs - that just because they aren't on this list doesn't mean they won't; you just have to inquire/send them a note/ask. Anyway -

    Just FYI....I contacted the local photographer that was on that site. She never contacted me back.

    I would have LOVED professional pics, but I couldn't justify the $300+ expense that comes with professional photography.

    I did take a lot of pictures with my point and shoot.

    BFP #1 via IUI ~ L (Fatal Birth Defect) 4/7/10
    BFP #2 via IUI ~ m/c
    BFP #3 via cancelled IUI ~ C (2lb 3oz; HELLP) 5/16/11
    BFP #4 via the natural (free!) way ~ E (8lb 11oz) 9/13/12

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