I just realized that the safety straps buckle right over baby's face. Is that right? Here's a picture. I can't figure out what I did wrong. I put the stroller together a few weeks ago and then DH took it all apart yesterday and put it back together and it still looks the same.
Re: BJ owners, did I install the carseats correctly? PIP
The plastic part that is sticking up(where the belt is) I think should be sitting under the handle. Then you can buckle under the handle and it would sit right. Does that make sense?
There's that little tab on the seat in front of the handle where that label is. That's where you put the straps through. Then they will rest over the babies legs.
I think that slot is traditionally used to install the seat in a car without the base.
Happy strolling! I love this stroller!
Here is how mine looks with the two car seats and the strap goes across their laps... Did you install the right adapter for the car seats you have? If you have teh Chicco I know you need to order a specific adapter, not the one that adapts to most other seats.
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks