
I need recs on front load washer and dryers

Dh and I need a new washer and dryer.  I want it to wash my king size comforter.  Our limit is around $1000 each but no more then $1099.  Any recs are good thanks 

Re: I need recs on front load washer and dryers

  • We have an LG and I love it!  I think their larger size w/d would do a king comforter. 
  • I agree with pp.  I love (and I mean LOVE) my LG washer.  I do not have the dryer, but my mom and does and she loves it too!
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  • I've had a front loader for almost 6 years and I will NEVER buy another one.  Two of my closest friends also have one and say the same thing. The mold and mildew problems are horrible.  The sale people from all of the places admit it's a problem and their solution was to keep the washing machine door open, wipe it down after every use and use the AFRESH tabs. Well, we did all that (and so did my friends) and we all have the same issues.  But, it sucks to have to clean my washer after each use and it's a real PITA to leave it open when you have small toddlers going past it constantly.

    We just built a new house and it was tough to find a top load that I liked, that was Energy Star qualified and with the features and size I wanted, but it's possible.

  • Another LG fan here. love them :) I can fit my king size comforter no problem. I haven't had any problems with the mold or mildew, but I do wipe it down quickly if I am not doing another load. Every couple of weeks I do a tub cleab cycle.I do leave the door open to air dry it, just close the door to your wash room if you are worried about curious toddlers.. These steps to keep it clean all just take seconds to do. 

  • When we bought our house almost 3 years ago it came with a nice front load washer. We jsut replaced it b/c the mildew/mold problems were so bad, even though we kept the door open all the time and ran bleach cycles from time to time. We replaced it with a top-load energy star washer (ours is whirlpool) that holds more than our front load washer did. I'm so glad we got rid of the front load one!
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