December 2010 Moms

Note to self: Always check pump parts before pumping

I'm finishing up pumping and I pump hands free at my desk, so I really don't pay too close attention since I'm working.  So I take the breastsheilds & bottles off, set them down and the notice....

In the left breastsheild...

is a spider.

So I actually kinda screamed out loud and then went "OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD".  So my co-worker started pounding on my door to see if I'm ok.  I managed to squawk out "FINE! SPIDER! WHERE NO SPIDER SHOULD BE!" and heard him chuckle and walk back to his office.

So I removed the shield from the bottle, dumped it out onto a napkin and squished it but, sweet 7 lb 8 oz baby jesus.  SPIIIIIIIIIIIDER.

Spider was the size of, uhm.  Well, in my head it's the size of a dinner plate but squished on the napkin I have on my desk it's about the size of a ballpoint pen tip.


The hairs on the back of my neck still haven't gone back down.

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