
Feeding poll...

How much are/did your babies eat at 2 months  old? Mine eat 6 oz every 4 hours. DH is worried they aren't getting enough, but I told him that they'd definately let us know if they wanted more (and occasionally they do want more)

Re: Feeding poll...

  • well....mine doesn't count well since at 2 months old they were still -1wk adjusted. At 2 months old my baby that was home was taking about 2 oz every 4 hours. Now he takes 3oz 6x/day. He sleeps thru the night, but makes up with cluster feeds during the day. He gains about an ounce a day. I won't even tell you what my littler baby's such a sad little amount.

    ANYWAY...your babies will tell you what they want, it really depends on their weight..not so much the age. BTW - its better for them to eat smaller amounts more often rather than large amounts spaced further apart....for reflux that is.

  • They'll let you know if they want more.  My boys are eating 6 oz every 4 hours at 4 months old and are STTN.  I wouldn't worry aboutit unless they are fussing.
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  • They are 1 month adjusted, but I hate thinking of them that way, but the hospital put them on a 4 hour feeding schedule and the pediatrician told us that they could eat however much they want.
  • Every baby is so different, At 2 months my girls were taking only 2-3oz evey 3 hrs and then 4 oz at 3 months. I started giving one bottle a day to my son in the last few weeks to get an idea of how much he takes and he usually finishes 5oz.
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