Cloth Diapering

Monkey Snuggles Newborn diapers

So I have officially become a crazy diaper lady and have started a newborn stash for a child who I'm not even trying to conceive yet (but hopefully soon).  I ordered the space invaders newborn dipe from Monkey snuggles (to match Landon's SBD AI2 that should be here anyday now) and it came yesterday.  Holy crap..... I am in love with it.  When Landon was born I used thirsties fitteds and covers and dream eze so I didn't really get to see what a WAHM newborn cd looked like.  I am seriously thinking about buying the newborn package from Monkey snuggles and destashing my thirsties. 

Re: Monkey Snuggles Newborn diapers

  • That's great. I really want to try a NB MS. I remember getting my 1st one-size MS fitted, it was my first WAHM product and I loooved it!
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