i usually just rough them up with my hands or sometimes fluff them in the dryer for a few min.
and actually the other day i threw them in he dryer on low for about 15-20min before hanging them out on the line and everything stayed quite a bit softer.
Unfortunately, I don't think its possible to get soft clothes/diapers off the clothes line unless there is some sort of machine drying either before or after. Crispy clothes/towels don't bother me, but I don't want to put a crispy diaper on DD so I always throw her dipes in for a quick tumble.
Ditto PPs. I just throw them in the dryer to soften them up. However, I usually don't worry about softening inserts if I am using them in a pocket diaper. They aren't against DD's skin, so she won't feel the "crispiness."
I use ecover softener in the final rinse, so my stuff is soft after line drying with no dryer time. Every once in a while I'll need to shake something out a little bit, but it's still soft.
One thing I have found is that the more detergent I use, the crispier the clothes are off the line. We have never used the recommended amount for our clothes and for our diapers now we use about 1/2 - 1 tbsp of Tide Free and Gentle. Everything is still clean and the water is sudsy, but the final rinse is clear. I found also if you give each one a vigorous shake out before putting them out it really helps.
Re: Line drying and softness ?
i usually just rough them up with my hands or sometimes fluff them in the dryer for a few min.
and actually the other day i threw them in he dryer on low for about 15-20min before hanging them out on the line and everything stayed quite a bit softer.
Yup, that's all you have to do, 15-20 in the dryer after you've pulled them off the line.
Out here in Az the heat makes them as stiff as cardboard lol