Hi guys, I'm so torn and I need some help. I'm completely undecided between a few names. I'm looking at Charles (Charlie), Andrew and Patrick. The thing is I love Charlie but not Charles, love Andrew but not Andy and love Patrick but not Pat. What do you think? Which do you prefer?
Re: Name opinion help!
Patrick - nms...reminds me of the SNL skit.
Andrew -
, but will most likely get shortened by friends.
Charlie is my pick too. I actually know a Charlie, just Charlie. But could get shortened to Chuck too.
But with boys NNs don't always have to do with FN, they can be from LN or something completely random.
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Love the name Charlie!!
DS is Charles Thomas. I felt the SAME WAY about Charles. I'm so glad we went with Charles. We call him Charlie 99% of the time but, at 2, CHARLES THOMAS comes in handy every once and awhile
As for Patrick, DH is Patrick and everyone he knows prior to college calls him Pat. I hate Pat so I call him Patrick. Everyone we know that met him after college calls him Patrick b/c he prefers it and introduces himself that way, but Pat just sticks. I love the name Patrick, but I think Pat is inevitable.
You may not like Charles, Andy or Pat, but he might as he gets older. You can instruct people to call him Charlie, Andrew or Patrick, but again, he may choose to do otherwise. If you absolutely cannot stand those common nicknames/full names, don't use them.
I would not give your son Charlie as a given name. If you don't like Pat or Andy, you could use Patrick or Andrew in the middle name slot, as those are less likely to be used as nicknames.
Meredith, 6-1-06 and Alex, 11-5-09
I really like Patrick, but I really can't stand Pat, Rick, or Ricky. A friend of mine recently had a baby boy Patrick -- they call him Patch. I think it's the cutest nickname ever! Don't know how well it would grow up, though.
I agree with this ^.
Personally, as some who has a technical nickname as a first name I see nothing wrong with giving a nickname as a first name, but you will have to explain to a lot of people that no, it's my real name, it's not short for anything.