Who watched it? It was so sad! I stayed up until 1 watching since we had DVR'd it. I can't believe she made it out somewhat sane. I had a "I knew I was a Mom when..." moment last night when after I watched it I went around to every window and door in the house and locked them! It made me just sick to my stomach.
M + K = 05.16.09 | A.P. = 02.27.11
Re: The Jaycee Dugard Interview
In case you haven't found it yet...
It was a very moving interview. What an amazing young woman - I can't even imagine how she survived that ordeal. It did bother me how often Diane Sawyer asked her why she didn't leave. I know that's a question we all have, but it seemed like DS kept asking it even after Jaycee kept saying I don't know, or the fear of the unknown kept her there.
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.
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