Hawaii Babies

hospital bag?

So I've begun packing a hospital bag in case 1) he comes any day now and 2) we're doing an ECV on Tuesday so I want to have it ready in case we need it... on Tuesday.

I've Googled some lists but wanted to see if there was anything I might be missing that you found to be super helpful! This is what I have so far:

1) slippers for shower/walking the halls
2) socks
3) robe
4) towel
5) clothes to go home in
6) going home outfit for baby
7) lotion/chapstick
8) toiletries
9) towel
10) cameras/chargers
11) ipod/chargers
12) laptops (with some movies/shows loaded)/chargers
13) pads for natural delivery

These are the things I'm not so sure of:
1) candy (? is this necessary or do ice chips work?) 
2) Boppy
3) manual breast pump 
Also, C will be bringing the stroller/carseat from home when we're ready to go home (we live literally a 3 minute walk from the hospital), but I'm wondering... since it will be August and presumably hot, do we need hats and socks for the little guy? I was going to put him in a onesie and packed a receiving blanket. Are the other two necessary? Should I bring them just in case?

Thanks in advance! I'm getting more and more excited to meet him and FINALLY understand what you guys are going through and being able to contribute more Stick out tongue 

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Re: hospital bag?

  • I just wanted to comment because I can't believe you're so close to the end! :)

    I probably won't be ale to help much because I am super unorganized and was unprepared, so the other girls will probably be able to pitch in more than I can.

    But here's my two cents:
    I think the breast pump can wait until you get home. They encourage BF in the hospital (at least the one I was at) and I was told not to pump and introduce the bottle TOO early.
    The boppy (or brest friend-- preferred this one much more) is a good idea. I didn't bring mines and had to do with pillows, but I would have liked to use them to learn how to BF.
    Maybe get some breast cream for the first few days when it is painful to nurse. I don't remember if it hurts that early, while you're in the hospital though.
    Also maybe some nursing pads
    Next time around I'd bring some granny panties that I wouldn't mind discarding if they were ruined. I hated those stupid mesh panties they give you at the hospital
    Oh and wear a *decent* top for when visitors come and take loads of pictures with you and the baby... I was wearing sweats (literally-- they were Vance's old PJs) and I look back on my photo albums and cringe. :(

    Honestly, our hospital provided us with mainly everything we needed and a lot of hospital bag lists I've seen are filled with things that our hospital gave us, besides the clothes you and YH need. :)

    So excited for you!

  • I agree that you probably won't need the pump in the hospital (and if you do, they may have one that you can use, so check with them).

    Definitely pack some Lasinoh - super helpful for early BFing!

    Pack some snacks and/or have change for vending machines - not so much for you as for your DH. (Well, it could be for you as well - my hospital encouraged women to follow their instincts and eat etc, during labor if desired, but I discovered pretty fast that I couldn't keep anything down.) I had a loooong labor and Ben really appreciated being able to grab food without having to leave me. Even just some granola bars and a bottle of water help.

    As for your LO, I'm guessing you might need the socks and won't need the hat, but I'd just pack both anyway - they're tiny and won't take up much room. Also, I'd recommend packing two sizes of clothes for your LO. We knew my dudes were large-ish for twins, but assumed they'd still be a bit smaller than the average newborn, so newborn sizes would fit them. At the last minute I decided to grab 0-3 month size clothes as well and I'm really glad I did - no way they could have squeezed into the smaller size!

    Lastly, I've read a few places that you should bring makeup since it will help you feel more presentable for guests, but I think that depends on the person...I was so tired, I really didn't care lol! But it's something to consider if you think it would be important to you.

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  • Ah, yes! I forgot to include on my list that I also have packed: the Angel Mama's nipple butter, nursing pads, a nursing bra, 2 nursing tanks and 2 old granny panties (which really should have already been thrown away but I guess will come in handy now - hah). I'll add some snacks to the bag - if DH gets really hungry, there are a bunch of 24hr delis around us as well.

    Lori - will add Boppy to the list of things C needs to grab :)

    And thanks for the tip about the clothes size, Lisa! I've packed a newborn onesie, a 0-3 onesie and a cute outfit (0-3) that I'm sort of secretly hoping he fits in to. As for makeup... eh, maybe I'll bring it just in case! 

    Stupid question: are you supposed to wear a nursing bra WITH a nursing tank...? I was thinking no because then the tank becomes really tight under my boobies...

    Thanks! Smile 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagestargirl76:

    Stupid question: are you supposed to wear a nursing bra WITH a nursing tank...? I was thinking no because then the tank becomes really tight under my boobies...

    Nah, it's not necessary. Unless you find yourself really desperate for extra support or something - but mine were fine without anything under them. Smile

  • imageredshoegirl:

    Stupid question: are you supposed to wear a nursing bra WITH a nursing tank...? I was thinking no because then the tank becomes really tight under my boobies...

    Nah, it's not necessary. Unless you find yourself really desperate for extra support or something - but mine were fine without anything under them. Smile

    Haha, okay, thanks. Mine are pretty small anyway Stick out tongue So I'm sure I'll be fine. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • FWIW, I just used the socks and mesh panties that the hospital provided. Didn't want to deal with bloody socks and panties. It was just easier for me to throw them away. I didn't even bring any pads. I just used the one that the hospital provided. Don't hesitate to ask for more especially the ice pack! I took home the extra ones that they gave me and was able to use them when I was still bleeding the first few days.

     I didn't bring my pump. My milk didn't come in 4 days after I gave birth and I was already home then. If you need one right away, the hospital can lend you one. But yeah, the hospital encourages breastfeeding every couple of hours to help your milk to come in so no need for pump.

    Also, I brought my own swaddle blanket. The hospital provided one but I wanted a cuter one so I brought one from home lol. 

    Also, don't forget to bring pillow/blanket for DH!

     GL! Such an exciting time :-). 

  • I brought my own pajamas because I refused to wear that stupid gown any longer than necessary.  Once I was able to shower I wore my own clothes, including panties.  I didn't like the mesh either.  I also brought my own pads, but I'm just picky and wasn't sure what they'd give me.  They gave me nipple cream, but it wasn't Lansinoh, which I prefer because it's pure lanolin.  I think they gave me a tube of Medela, which I didn't really use. 

    I don't think you'll really need socks or a hat for baby.  A really light swaddle blanket will probably be enough.    

    Good luck!  

  • Yay, can't wait to meet Baby O!

    Your list looks good. I would take the baby hat and socks. A was born in July, and we used them on the way home. We also used them in the hospital at times. And I guess it can't hurt to have candy. I did eat a Snickers bar sometime during my 38 hour labor, and then they brought me a sandwich because I was starving. I didn't have a Boppy and was fine without it. And I wouldn't take the pump. I didn't use it for a while, and even if you needed it, someone could always run home to get it. People will bring you so many things in the hospital; the less you have to worry about, the better!

    Aside from cameras and stuff, I was just glad to have brought my own robe and comfy clothes for lounging and going home. I couldn't stand the gown and changed out of that as soon as I could. I did like the mesh undies and the pads and ALLLLLL the other goodies they provided for recovery. I asked for extras of the stuff I liked and took them home! Good luck to you and DH!!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • i agree with most of the pp.  I didn't bring my brest friend pillow & I wish I had.  The LC had to teach me how to nurse with pillows, but then when I got home I was using the BF pillow.  It probably didn't make that much of a difference, but I really love that BF pillow!

    My OB recommended we put LO in one of those kimono tops for the ride home just b/c it doesn't aggravate the cord stump and it is easy.  It worked really well & that is actually what the hospital put all of the babies in while in the hospital.

    Also mittens.  LO was a scratcher within minutes of birth, she had scratched up her little face.  So I definitely would recommend bringing a few pair of mittens.

    Yay! how exciting!

    imageLilypie Second Birthday tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • How exciting, I remember this time well and now I have a almost one year old :)  PP mentioned mittens, that's a good one, they come out with pretty long sharp nails.  Also flip flops for your hubby so he doesn't have to take his shoes on and off all the time.  Change for parking or vending machines.  Snacks!  The hospital food is not great and you'll be thankful for munchies or granola bars after you deliver.  Yummy smelling shampoo/body wash for your shower after you give birth (was SO thankful to have this).  And now that I think back, having the Boppy would have been nice.  Instead they try and give you two or three pillows and you have to prop your arms up with them as you're trying to learn to BF baby.  

    Funny, mesh panties must be a USA thing, we don't have anything like that in Canada... just diaper size pads for after you give birth.  

    I love Hawaii!

    Tara & Ian . 4/24/2008 . The Kahala Planning . Married

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Am I the only one whose hospital provided a nursing pillow?  I brought the Boppy but ended up never using it, since they had a My Brest Friend for me to use.  I liked it so much better we bought one the day we got home.  Maybe you could call and ask if they provide that to use while you're there.  IMO, it would save the hassle of hauling your own.

    I am also one of those people who actually like the mesh underwear.  They were so comfy over my c/s incision, and I didn't have to worry about ruining anything of mine.  I even asked for more to take home.  :P 

    I agree with pp that you should bring the socks and hat just in case.  Henry came home the end of July, and even though it was about 85, he still wore long sleeves (I also second a kimono top), pants that had feet attached, and a cotton hat.  I also preferred my own clothes over the gowns, so I had brought two pairs of pajamas.  Then again, I was there 4 days, whereas most natural deliveries you wouldn't stay that long.

    Good luck! 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Thanks everyone; I really appreciate it! I've updated our hospital bag to incorporate the suggestions. Here's to hoping we don't need it tomorrow! Smile
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I don't know how I missed it before, but I just noticed you're have an external version tomorrow.  We tried it as well (unfortunately no success for us).  I remember it well, and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.  Good luck, and let us know how it goes!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • inamrainamra member

    How exciting!! You're almost there!!

    I agree with pps about the nursing pillow, although I also agree with lelekay to call and check (since nursing pillows are a bit bulky to bring) if the hospital will provide them. Mine didn't and I wish I had it. I also agree about the pump because the hospital-grade ones so they're so much better and more effective than anything we can buy as consumers. My hospital also provided Lanisoh (for free) and that was a lifesaver. You can always bring your own if they don't.

    So this varies for everyone but my milk came in about a week after, so I was already long home and fretting over my supply. So for me, I didn't need nursing pads/tops/bras at the hospital, but I would just bring maybe 4 pads at most and either one tank or bra (no need to wear nursing bra under the tank) because your milk may come in earlier. I didn't pack slippers to walk around in either--I just made sure I wore flip-flops to the hospital for labor and then just used that for the shower and for walking around.

    About the infamous mesh underwear and big pads the hospital provides--I wasn't thrilled about them but was too tired and lazy to care, so I just used them while I was at the hospital and then my own when I went home. I also brought too many outfits. I only changed from my hospital gown right before I was discharged because I had to return their gown =P But that might still be because I was too tired and lazy to care. Even when visitors came, I just stayed in my ugly old gown...haha. No makeup either. I also cringe when I look at the pics of myself in the hospital =P

    GL on the EV! And keep us posted!! Can't wait to meet your LO soon!

    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
  • You're so close!  How exciting!

    I wish I had brought my Boppy.  Maybe I have weirdly shaped boobs or something, but regular pillows just did not work for me in the hospital.  My entire abdominal area was pretty tender and sore due to the c/s so I'm glad I brought high-waisted briefs to the hospital (and had a healthy supply of them at home) and comfy high-waisted pajama pants and a maternity top to go home in.

    We brought out own hat to the hospital, which we ended up using quite a bit because the ones the hospital provided kept popping off.

  • what's an external version?

    and yay!!! you're so close!!! =)


    D started out as a LUCKY CHARM but ended up being our LOVEBUG image
    hawaii 10.2008 plan ;P married bio ???
  • I think your list is good.  the only thing I'd add is that you can bring a hair tie to put around your wrist....if you plan on nursing it's a nice way to keep track of which side you started nursing on during the last session since you'll be alternating.  (another trick I've used is just leaving the clip on my nursing tank hooked on but unclipped on the side I need to nurse on the next time - that way I never forget)

    check w/your hospital but I wasn't allowed anything to eat....no drinks, water, food, etc once my labor started...only ice chips...it depends on how strict the anesthesiologists are b/c they don't want to have problems if they need to put you under anesthesia.   but snacks for DH isn't a bad idea!

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