Two Under 2

If you had a c-section w/ #2...


Hi, future 2 under 2 member here!  

Tell me how it was having a c-section the 2nd go around. I am currently debating the VBAC vs repeat C-section. I am leaning toward c-section but worried about having 2 under 2 w/ the c-section recovery. How long before you can pick up #1 again? He is a chunky monkey so I'm even scared of the 3rd tri w/ him. Thank goodness he is working on walking because hopefully that will reduce some of the need to carry him.

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Re: If you had a c-section w/ #2...

  • I had a C/S w/ both kids - unplanned for #1, planned for #2.  This time around I had my mom stay at our house until 2 weeks post delivery.  She had to lift DS1 for everything - bedtime, bathtime, high chair, diapers, etc.  It sucked but once the 2 weeks were up she went home and I did everything myself.  My husband works crazy/long hours so I needed someone here w/ me.  It was also great for her to be able to run around outside w/ DS1, let me nap w/ the baby, etc.  Recovery w/ a planned C/S has been a LOT easier than the first time around.  I feel really good already (DS2 will be 4 weeks on Tuesday).  I lifted DS1 and did everything at home by myself most days and nights right up until we left for the hospital. 
  • delg23delg23 member

    I had a C/S w/ both kids - unplanned for #1, planned for #2.  This time around I had my mom stay at our house until 2 weeks post delivery.  She had to lift DS1 for everything - bedtime, bathtime, high chair, diapers, etc.  It sucked but once the 2 weeks were up she went home and I did everything myself.  My husband works crazy/long hours so I needed someone here w/ me.  It was also great for her to be able to run around outside w/ DS1, let me nap w/ the baby, etc.  Recovery w/ a planned C/S has been a LOT easier than the first time around.  I feel really good already (DS2 will be 4 weeks on Tuesday).  I lifted DS1 and did everything at home by myself most days and nights right up until we left for the hospital. 

    Thanks so much for your response! I don't' know if my mom can visit. We have no family here but I know I need someone. My husband has paternity so that might help. Thanks again!  

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  • My LOs are 15.5 months apart. DS weighed about 32lbs when DD was born. I'm sure I could have lifted DS if I absolutely had to,  but I didn't. I'm very careful after a c-section. I didn't lift, drive, or do the stairs more than once a day for a while. I had a fantastic recovery and my incision has always been barely visible with little to no pain.

    DD was born on a Wednesday. My husband went back to work the following Wednesday. (He's a teacher and was already off Wed-Mon for the remainder of Spring Break, so he only called-out Tue.) After DH returned to work we paid a friend to babysit DS during the day for a few weeks. Also, if DH wanted to go out after work or on the weekend we asked one of our parents to visit so that I wouldn't have to lift DS.

    Prior to DD's arrival we worked hard so that DS could master the stairs- up and down. We also practiced walking to the car, park, store, etc while holding hands instead of being carried. 

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  • delg23delg23 member

    My LOs are 15.5 months apart. DS weighed about 32lbs when DD was born. I'm sure I could have lifted DS if I absolutely had to,  but I didn't. I'm very careful after a c-section. I didn't lift, drive, or do the stairs more than once a day for a while. I had a fantastic recovery and my incision has always been barely visible with little to no pain.

    DD was born on a Wednesday. My husband went back to work the following Wednesday. (He's a teacher and was already off Wed-Mon for the remainder of Spring Break, so he only called-out Tue.) After DH returned to work we paid a friend to babysit DS during the day for a few weeks. Also, if DH wanted to go out after work or on the weekend we asked one of our parents to visit so that I wouldn't have to lift DS.

    Prior to DD's arrival we worked hard so that DS could master the stairs- up and down. We also practiced walking to the car, park, store, etc while holding hands instead of being carried. 

    My son will be 15 months when the next one is born! How long did you take these precautions? 

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  • You'll find many women on this board who lifted before the 2 weeks with no problem.

    My 2nd section was SO much better regarding healing.  I knew what to do this time.  I walked ASAP after surgery and stayed on top of my pain meds better because I knew the game better.

    No regrets!


    Our IF journey: 1 m/c, 1 IVF with only 3 eggs retrieved yielding Dylan and a lost twin, 1 shocker unmedicated BFP resulting in Jace, 3 more unmedicated pregnancies ending in more losses.
    Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
  • Mine are 25 months apart, but I thought I'd answer.  I had c/s with both my kids.  The recovery for my second was more painful than the first.  DH was only home for 2 weeks then he had to go back to work.  I didn't really pick up #1 in my last trimester because it was just too hard, so if DH was around he'd do the lifting.  However after he went back to work I didn't have much of a choice.  It was pretty rough with both kids by myself and still being pretty uncomfortable from the surgery.  Hopefully you will have help at home for the older least another week would have made a huge difference for me.
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  • DH was home for about 2 weeks when I had #2 so he did everything with DD.

    I picked up DD after about 10 days, and it hurt. By 14 days, I had no choice since DH went back to work and it was fine.

    But DD was only 14 months old and was like 18 lbs (small).

  • imageSeaMama:
    I had a C/S w/ both kids - unplanned for #1, planned for #2.  This time around I had my mom stay at our house until 2 weeks post delivery.  She had to lift DS1 for everything - bedtime, bathtime, high chair, diapers, etc.  It sucked but once the 2 weeks were up she went home and I did everything myself.  My husband works crazy/long hours so I needed someone here w/ me.  It was also great for her to be able to run around outside w/ DS1, let me nap w/ the baby, etc.  Recovery w/ a planned C/S has been a LOT easier than the first time around.  I feel really good already (DS2 will be 4 weeks on Tuesday).  I lifted DS1 and did everything at home by myself most days and nights right up until we left for the hospital. 

    This has been my experience as well.

    A PP mentioned that some ladies here would lift their oldest right away....My son is 25 pounds and honestly, there's NO WAY that I could have lifted him right away. Even at 3 weeks pp, my incision still felt like it was opening when I tried to get him from the crib. My doctor forbade me lifting him at all for the first 2 weeks (at the very least) My C Sections were less than 1 year apart--maybe that's why...

    This C section has been a slower recovery. I am just beginning to feel now as I did at 2 weeks pp with my first.

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  • imageSeaMama:
    I had a C/S w/ both kids - unplanned for #1, planned for #2.  This time around I had my mom stay at our house until 2 weeks post delivery.  She had to lift DS1 for everything - bedtime, bathtime, high chair, diapers, etc.  It sucked but once the 2 weeks were up she went home and I did everything myself.  My husband works crazy/long hours so I needed someone here w/ me.  It was also great for her to be able to run around outside w/ DS1, let me nap w/ the baby, etc.  Recovery w/ a planned C/S has been a LOT easier than the first time around.  I feel really good already (DS2 will be 4 weeks on Tuesday).  I lifted DS1 and did everything at home by myself most days and nights right up until we left for the hospital. 

    This. We have a lot of local family and different people took turns coming to help for the first few weeks, especially after DH went back to work. I also struggled with mild PPD for the first couple months and there were days DH made sure people were there to help me and keep me company. The help was great, especially until I was given the ok to lift DS (around 1 month), and the C/S recovery was easy as well. I was much less tired the second time around because I didn't have 12 hours of labor

    Before the new baby arrived I lifted DS throughout pregnancy with no issue. The biggest worry with lifting DS after the c/s was getting him in/out of the crib. DH would leave late enough in the mornings that he was responsible for getting DS up and changing his diaper. Then, I only had to worry about naps and getting him in the high chair for meals - for the most part there was someone there to do it for me for at least 3 weeks. I never carried him anywhere during that month, only lifted when necessary, and I changed all diapers on the floor.

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  • delg23delg23 member
    Thanks everyone for your responses! This is something I have been stressing about but it sounds like a few weeks of help is enough. I think I can help at least for 2 weeks after I return from the hospital &  we're going convert our crib to a toddler bed which will make it easier to get DS in and out of the crib because its lower and has an opening.
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  • I had DS on a Friday and went home from the hospital on Sunday.  I had some help during the day but DD #1 can really do most things herselft, ie. climb into bed, high chair etc so I don't really need to lift her.  She was 20 months when #2 came and weighed about 27lbs.  I lifted her in and out of the car after about 10 days but carried the car seat with baby after 2 days.

    #2 was so much easier for me then #1 since I wasn't in labor all day prior to the c-section and recovery this time was a piece of cake for me really.

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